
I just accidentally deleted a few comments, and I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, and I assure you that I love that you comment even if I might not agree. I was trying to delete a comment I wrote, but ended up deleting three other ones (ehe that's me in a nutshell). So, to you whose comments I deleted, I apologise :)


Hey author, I doubt you’re still on wattpad tbh, but I’ve got a question. What books do you read? Because your writing is incredible. The details, the flow, the vocabulary. Quite impressive. So yeah I’d really like to know if the books you read have affected that :)


I don't know if you can still read this but i just want to thank you for "The Teashop". You write so is almost like being able to hear and feel what your characters are going through...maybe we (your followers) would get lucky if you ever decide to write again.


She stopped being active since july 2016 or 2017 ( kinda forgot but it at least one of those year i know for sure )before WP  removed the activity page for everyone asking...


@flexii54-san She stopped replying and being active after 25th of June, 2017.
            I'm wondering if something happened or life just got in the way and that's all there is for now??