
hi, sorry I won't be able to post a new chapter of the prequel to lies and damnation today :( you can expect it to be up on Saturday tho! And thank you for 600 reads <3 happy to see people interested in these characters' backstories :) 


I read (and answered) you message when I added Teenage Troubles to my library, and I just want to say that I am really glad I did, because you seem like a very nice person. I took one look at your profile and I already admire you.
          So I want to say 2 things:
          1. I love how you are able to be this active and close to your followers and readers and that you genuinely care about that/them.
          2. I am left-handed too! (Which I am really proud of, it's a miracle that I manage to write with ink or on an whiteboard without swiping it all out over my paper xD)


@Lasive123 aw, thank you so much! You're so nice and kind! I'm glad you stumbled upon my books :D 
            Aww it's my pleasure! Interacting with my readers is the best part of this app! I appreciate readers so much <3 
            Omg that's so cool! I'm proud of it too hahaha. I love being left-handed. SAME lol. The struggle. And don't forget having ink/marker smudges on your hand too xD 


hi, sorry I won't be able to post a new chapter of the prequel to lies and damnation today :( you can expect it to be up on Saturday tho! And thank you for 600 reads <3 happy to see people interested in these characters' backstories :) 


Hey, well umm- i'm SO not drawing Aaron.... ok fine i'm guilty. And maybe wanting to draw the others too (\"-"/) i have sm actors that i think look as how i imagined them..... you unknowingly gave me stuff to do haha


@WinterGhost20 aww I'm sorry :( but omg "pull an Aaron" hahaha love thattt <3 


So, i'm in a place i'll have to stand for a while (i feel like my dignity has been crushed) and i guess i'll stand the feeling and keep it up until i can go away from there- like the situation is SO diiferent (obvl) but i guess i can use the idea and pull an Aaron haha. (Send help- or a murd£rer, kill me or whatever i don't care)


@WinterGhost20 aww you're so kind omg take your time no worries!! ❤️❤️


Hey, sorry I won't be able to post a chapter for the prequel to Lies and Damnation today :( It should be up tomorrow tho <3 excited to show you Valentino being an adorable lil creep lol 


@imburntoutaf hahah yep xD he's around eleven years old in this chapter and he quite literally follows his favorite person around all day like an absolute creep bc he's ✨️traumatized✨️ lol <3 


An adorable little creep ToT


hi! Thank you for 10K reads on Lies and Damnation and almosttt 1k votes!!! <3 I enjoyed writing this book sooo much and the characters in it are some of my favorites ever, so I'm so happy and grateful to see people read/enjoy it too <3 


@WinterGhost20 aww I'm glad you love it!! Thank you sooo much for reading it <333 your support and kind words mean the world to me! <3 


@ Anyone187 hey, gotta say i'm pretty new on your book TB but i'm loving it so far, even if i didn't got to know the past version it's still amazing, i like your way of writing- i was in need of this type of books that idk why i couldn't find, and maybe sm with similar ideas haha- i mean at 10 i ALMOST wrote a book of kidnapping and killing for school but i realised it was too dark so i ended up changing it, but that's for other day, and again, you are an amazing writer, thx for sharing it


first chapter of the prequel to Lies and Damnation is up!! This time I won't post on my message board every time I upload a new chapter since this is a prequel only! So add it to your private library to get update notifications when I upload more chapters <3 


Just posted the answers for the q/a! Btw, Lies and Damnation is now complete! It's a fast-paced, romance-free mystery/thriller :) 
          There's focus on platonic relationships, including platonic trauma bonds! The characters in it are my absolute favorites! If you like the "2 characters that hate each other have to cooperate" trope, definitely check this book out! There's lots of bickering/banter and character development <3 here's the link: 


@CostNoodle246 omg yayyy I'm so glad you liked it <333 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This honestly made my day better. Enjoy re-reading it! :D 


@Anyone187 this book is AMAZING. I haven't read it in a while so I'm going to re-read. GREAT STUFF


Here's a kind reminder that the war in Gaza didn't start a month ago. It started SEVENTY FIVE YEARS ago. P*lestinians have been suffering from oppression, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, brutality, displacement, unemployment, food water and electricity/power shortages for SEVENTY FIVE YEARS. 
          Here's a kind reminder that G*NOCIDE IS CURRENTLY OCCURING. Right now. P*lestinians are being wiped out of existence. 
          Over 4,000 CHILDREN have been brutally murdered so far. 
          Hospitals are being targeted. HOSPITALS. 
          And there is proof. There are THOUSANDS of videos documenting the horrors and massacres that P*lestinians are going through. Once again, I will link them. 
          Please watch them. You have to see this truth for yourselves. P*lestinians are filming their deaths and tragedy to SHOW us. Imagine having to film the severed body parts of your own children to prove to this cruel, heartless world that you're being massacred. Just IMAGINE. Not only are you suffering, but you have to FILM IT ON TOP as evidence because the world just keeps ignoring the massacre you're going through. 
          For my friends in the US, this account shows you ways you can help stop the war and stop the g*nocide:

          For info/proof/videos about what's going on:





@Saara1301 It's the LEAST I can do. ❤️  thank you for reaching out! 


@Anyone187 First writer I saw on Wattpad who's taking a stand ❤


@Choisandimple10 ofc no problem! <3 I can provide more links/resources if you need. 