
Good day one and all!
          	This weekend will be the last weekend that 'What's Your Deal will be fully readable on Wattpad. As you know, I've been publishing my books for a while now, and this one is my most popular! 
          	Well, I finally got it edited and cleaned up like I promised, and will be publishing the first chapter of the new version of the book on Monday along with a link to where you can acquire it for yourselves!
          	Thank you all for the support you've shown me over the years and I hope that you continue to drink lots of water!


@Wild_Weed thank you very much for the kind words! I am so glad that you liked it! 


@Asted101 ohh sound exciting and good, "What's Your Deal" is on my "finished books" reading list, i never got around to really organize my reading lists but every book that got to the list is one i loved and vouch for as great.
          	  drank a lot of water while reading it...and still do!


Good day one and all!
          This weekend will be the last weekend that 'What's Your Deal will be fully readable on Wattpad. As you know, I've been publishing my books for a while now, and this one is my most popular! 
          Well, I finally got it edited and cleaned up like I promised, and will be publishing the first chapter of the new version of the book on Monday along with a link to where you can acquire it for yourselves!
          Thank you all for the support you've shown me over the years and I hope that you continue to drink lots of water!


@Wild_Weed thank you very much for the kind words! I am so glad that you liked it! 


@Asted101 ohh sound exciting and good, "What's Your Deal" is on my "finished books" reading list, i never got around to really organize my reading lists but every book that got to the list is one i loved and vouch for as great.
            drank a lot of water while reading it...and still do!


Hey friends!
          Hopefully you are doing well! I just wanted to let y'all know I'm working on editing and cleaning up my most popular book. I'm going to be publishing it on Amazon afterwards, but I will leave the first chapter up for people to enjoy once it's cleaned up! Thanks for all the support on my works over the years, and I hope you are all drinking lots of water!


The newest book I've been working on is finally done and published! 'The Knights of Rangia' is now out on amazon! The first chapter has been posted on wattpad for anybody wanting a preview!
          Here is the link to the book!

          Still drinking water, and so should you!


The entire control series, all in one place. It's even outside of my head! This fills my heart with pride! I've been working on this series for years, and now it's finally done!


@Asted101 thanks Tenjo, hopefully you are doing well! 


Wow I've been gone a while. Lol. Well I've been busy. My husband I bought a house, and I published my second book on Amazon! I'll be updating that in a bit so you can see the cover if you want. 
          Side note, I'm happy "WYD" has gotten almost 14k reads! That's pretty darn impressive to me! 
          Drink more water everybody!