
The Ambassadors have put out their next newsletter and they shared a feature on all the #ONC2024 Shortlisters !!!! Go check it out!


Somehow, I missed the #MerMay2024 results... Was not a winner, and didn't even get acknowledged... Let's just add that to the stack of disappointing happenings this past week... 
          Two weeks ago, I had some stuff going on in my life and I thought I had got it all together. But then the last few days, that stuff ... despite really trying to work it out... it has really knocked me low. Yesterday, acknowledging my Imposter Syndrome was triggered by what I was going through. So, I am going to truly try and take a mental break for the rest of the summer. It will give me time to work on the "stuff", pick myself back up and move forward from there.
          For real this time. No surprise writing contests/challenges. No chasing sparkling ideas. Nothing. Just me time. 
          For real this time. Unless its the final update for the #ONC2024 Grand Winner results... I won't be online much.


Happy Saturday! I'm checking in from a lovely early summer day with a brief update: I've spent the last week brainstorming and nurturing my book idea. Confidence flying high until this morning. 
          Imposter Syndrome is a b!tc#. Pardon my language; I don't use mature language unless I need to emphasize a fact. Even after watching my little novella,  THE GIRL WITH SCARS, reach the levels that it has in the #ONC2024.... I feel like I'm out of my league and I feel inadequate, unqualified to be writing this book.
          So... I'm going to give myself a break and then I will revisit the idea another day.


@ricardosalarich, I know! It's absolutely ridiculous, but I can't shake it today.


Whaaaat!!! You’re a great writer and I really enjoyed The Girls with Scars!!! 


Happy Sunday, everyone ♥
          If you've been following my posts over the last week, you'll have caught on: I have a story (or 2) swirling around in my head for a while and there are themes that belong connected to the story(ies), themes that I do not (usually) write into my books. I am taking some feedback into consideration; I have a lot to think about, and there are risks involved. I don't know if I will share details with anyone, at this time, as I want to be grounded in my decision, if I decide to take this pursuit.
          I will give one hint: One of my ideas involves something I have already written and shared, but stopped a few chapters in because I got busy.


Okay, I'm breaking my own protocol, but I gotta ask this of my fellow romantasy authors... but first, some context.
          I write very clean stories. Non-explicit romance with either fade-to-black or behind closed doors scenes with very minimal detail. I have the occasional project that make a story seem like they will venture into "Mature" territory, but never truly doing so.
          I've established my writing style and of the readers who actually read my work, know what to expect from my books. But.... 
          My question is this: Have you ever found yourself needing to try something different in your writing but were afraid to to be brave about it?


@VictoriaKaer :D thank you so much for your feedback! I appreciate it!


@AuthorESElias Most of my work is under Victoria Kaer, but I felt a need to branch out and write some erotica novels. Since I have a YA series written under this name I didn't feel it was appropriate to add erotica works so I created a second penname to write under for those works. A friend of mine has three names she writes under for her different genres. Don't be afraid to branch out but if the thought of putting the new works under this author name doesn't appeal to you, then create a new penname for the other works. Yes, it will be like starting over but it might give you what you need to branch out and feel less trepidation about it.


I'm not working on it right now but ..... I have an idea that requires a lot of experimenting and.... maybe a new pen-name because I've written something like it before and I don't know if my audience will be as receptive toward it.... Details will be shared at a later time.
          I've probably said the same thing about many of my books being "something I wouldn't normally write"... yeah, this makes them all seem very not different than what I write. lol


Sending everyone love on this Memorial Day. ♥
          Popping in to let you all know that I got my Longlist sticker! Cover was updated to showcase it, and I am 
          Deadline to submit your #MerMay2024 stories is just around the corner! If you're participating, I would love to cheer you on!
          Also,  for those of you who didn't know. A few years back I wrote a short adventure story titled THE CAPTAIN AND HIS LADY. Well, it was selected as 5th Top Selection in the Top 7 of the Week .... Cool! Wasn't expecting to see that little book pop up, but at the same time with stuff I've had going on this week, it makes total sense. ♥
          Links to all the above mentioned things in my comments.


Congratulations - You have  been selected for the 5th top selection for The Top 7 of the Week for your writing The Captain and His Lady by our review board.   Thanks again for sharing your stories.  Check it out at


you are welcome.  It's good writing.  I look forward to reading your other works.


@jmloveinlaodicea, Hi! Thank you so much, I'm honored!


Hey @everyone 
          Real talk, despite being so happy about the #ONC2024 Longlist results, and being very happy with my #MerMay2024 story...
          I think I am really going to take that break from writing until after I return home in June. I need the break, and I need time for myself. So, I apologize in advance if I go radio-silent.
          I do not take my decisions lightly. There are now other factors I have to take into account, putting me in a position to need this break so I can focus on those things, offline.
          So, unless I've gone contest deets, I won't be online much until June.
          See you in the funny papers. ♥
          ~ Esther