
          	I'm really sorry for not updating the books. I don't really have time in my hand. My life's so busy these days I hardly get time for myself. Inshallah whenever I get time I'll try to update. Thank you for the patience.


@AuthorMae plsss update maisha


Aslm. I really really loveee your book Locked Hearts.I finished it in one sitting. I really want to read The Hearts Key but you haven't yet complete it. I liked the chemistry of love and hate between Aahil and Afsha. I am waiting for the book 


Assalamualikem author,
           i wanted to ask u that when r u updatind the books i want to read afsha nd ahols story but u left it incomplete. U know tha curiosity kills the cat......So plz plz update may it be a slow update  but plz update
          Your fan,


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