
Hi, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be updating Icy-Hot Love for the next two days because my birthday was a couple days ago and, because of school, my family and friends are celebrating this weekend. But it’s also now half-term so I’ll be able to update multiple chapters after we’ve finished celebrating.
          	Also, I got a particular comment from someone about how they disliked the way I wrote Shoto, which is absolutely fine as we all have our own opinions. However, I deleted this comment because they swore and the way they wrote it seemed a bit rude and mean. I’m not sure that it was their attention to come across like that, but it did upset me because I want to make you all happy. I’m still young and I’m still learning how to write good books for all of you, so criticism is welcome. But, please try to be nice about it and don’t swear, because your comment will be deleted if that’s the case. If you don’t like my stories, then you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. Regardless, I want to thank all of you who vote and read my stories because knowing that you enjoy what I write has gotten me through some really tough times.


Just a question is tenshi's pokemon gonna join training camp to also help both classes A&B? It just came to mind.


@AutumnTheEevee yay! I can't wait thank youuuuuu!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️


Yep, I’m going to introduce Class B’s parters during the training camp


Please update Icy Love!!


I just want to say that I’m really happy that you’re excited for the next chapter, I’m very grateful.
            But the past year has not been a good place for me mentally. I’m going through a very invasive type of therapy which leaves me physically and mentally drained, also pretty much all of my friends have not treated me very well and have been making fun of my mental health issues.
            My school have finally let me have authorised leave where I take lessons online with tutors and my health has improved but it’s only happened a couple of weeks ago. Because my final exams are approaching, I do want to focus on revision but I am planning on working on my story soon because of my improved mental health.


Are you still going to update icy hot love because it's one of my favorite books


@Demonslayer70987 that’s a really cute idea, thanks for the suggestion!


Love your books, specially the my hero one it’s so funny and cute with the references, I have a quick question though will all the Pokémon be seen throughout the storyline? Like for the school festival, what if the class does a bakery and the students see all the different flavors of alcreamie especially Eri? It would be so cute  


Also, I’m really happy that you’re enjoying my book, it means a lot