
Hey guys, I’m going to be gone for a couple months so I won’t be posting for a while. Hope you guys have an awesome summer! :)


So, I was looking through names, playing around and I found this one name Alakay, which means, "Warrior with a prideful smile." 
          So, what does everyone thing about "Al'Akay" for Raph and Mona's fourth child? I separated the A and L to make it seem more like a Salamanderian name.


If anyone can think of a better name than Cosmo, I am all ears because for the life of me, I can not think of a name for Raph and Mona's fourth child. I might end up deleting him completely because I thought of everything! I tried a planet name, as you can see on the paper, I tried an Italian name but thought that just did not seem right because none of his other siblings have Italian names or Japanese names. I feel like if their fourth child was a girl, it would be easier, but I have too many girls, and not enough boys, so that is not an option. They either have space or salamanderian names. If anyone can give me any idea, please do!


I figured it out! I know what to do for Leo's love interest.  Ok, so, I know I have Lotus Blossom as Tang Shen's mom but what if Lotus was also the name of a baby girl Shen saved? Shen saved a baby girl who she saw getting kidnapped and the couple were so thankful, they asked for her to name her since they have not yet and Shen had chosen, Lotus, since that was the nickname of her mother, and she thought the baby girl looked as beautiful as a Lotus. 
          Not the best, I know but hey, I can't think of anyone else who would be a good love interest for Leo, and I like Tang Ren as Shen's mother. I ain't changing it.


In a TMNT: Urban Legends comic. I just found out that Karai has a daughter name Amai. So...I'm wondering if I should change her daughter's name into that or keep it as Mishiko. 
          I really love the name Amai but then again, I think Mishiko is just perfect for Miwa and Shinigami's names but then again, isn't that a bit cheesy for them? 
          I don't know! If you have seen my stories in the past, you know I change names A LOT! I don't know, I'm just so picky and when I see something better, I want to change it. 
          Plus, I am also trying to be less OC as possible since I know not a lot of people like random made-up characters. 
          So, should I stick with Mishiko or change it to Amai?  Let me know your thoughts.


Next Gen Talk! So, originally, for Karai's children, I was going to make their father...Shredder but...I do not like that idea anymore. I just think it is too dark and as dark as I can get with my stories...I don't want to go that dark! 
          So, I was thinking about making, IDW character, Hiroto, their father. I know in the comics, he is Karai's son but how I am writing him, he is just an old Foot soldier who used to work alongside her and Shinigami, and other possible teens. 
          Karai and Hiroto never got along but she somehow fell for the jerk, but he ended up breaking her heart. The two were always an on and off thing until Hiroto finally left the Foot forever. Years later, the two saw each other again in their 20s and somehow Karai went out with him again and surprise, surprise, they break up again. 
          After beating him to a pulp, Karai vowed to never speak to him again but...she soon discovers she is pregnant with his children. Hiroto wanting nothing to do with them, the only other person Karai had to turn to was Shinigami who was in love with Karai ever since they were young but has always been too afraid to tell her. The pregnancy leads to the two getting together and Shinigami becoming the second mother of Karai's children, who she names, Yoshiro and Mishiko. Yoshiro, after her father, Yoshi and Mishiko, after her and Shinigami. Mi as the first in her name and Shi as the first in Shinigami's name. 
          Hiroto was a neglective father for most of their lives, he would run into them here and there but he never stuck around. When they turned 15, however, Mishiko somehow got into his heart, and he tried to be an decent parent. 
          Yoshiro, at first, wanted nothing to do with him but Mishiko wanted to give him at least a chance, but she makes sure to keep her guard up and give him an hard time. Miwa and he would fight a lot, like they did in the old days and Shinigami would always have to step in before it got physical. 
          So? What do you think?


@ BADASSTurtles235147 It's an awesome story!:D I will love that! Keep it up!<3You 're doing an awesome job!!Good introduced introduced that you introced Hiroto I really like that! Can't wait for reading it:D


Question! Please answer! Should I give Shinigami a sibling and if so, how many and what gender? Or should I just leave her as an only child? I have a few characters in mind who I think would make perfect sisters and brothers to Shinigami.


@BADASSTurtles235147 Aww thankss<33sure I will do that;)).Anything to help you❤️.And I was thinking that idea was not it<33


@DarkWorldd2012 I already have Pimiko as Karai's secret sister since she was the Shredder's daughter in the comics. My backstory for her is on TMNT: HAMATO FAMILY TREE if you want to check it out. Warning: It's dark! 
             but for Shinigami, I think a am definitely leaning towards sister and I kind of like your idea for it. Thank you for your response!


But if your idea is cool then continue<33I will encourage you on your work<3It very cool what you do<3