
Gazing at the Moon, face reflected in the glass, a blank page awaits. - Beth Kempton 


Hey everyone. I do apologize for not posting the new chapter for Dracula Untold - This Life & the Next. My mom has been in the hospital recently and went back yesterday. Along with other personal things I will not get into. And it has been hard to focus on my writing because of it. Please keep my family and me in your prayers. I am in much need of it. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a good one. XOXO! - Faith Hammett ❤️❤️❤️


Changing my profile picture and background for a little fun. I hope everyone is doing well. Wattpad is definitely not the same with no private messages. Have a good one. XOXO ❤️❤️


@asiandramaplus that makes two of us especially deleting history of messages between followers and readers that have a great passion for literature. 


@BBNovelist What brought you to Wattpad? 


@BBNovelist Thank you, it's been years and I feel as if Wattpad has just rejected my calls and deleted our history. 


Hey everyone! Apparently Wattpad is removing private messages - PM. To a certain degree, I understand given how many messages I get from random men just trying to hit on me more than other writers just wanting to talk about writing and have simple conversations. However I believe it to be a mistake. Hopefully Wattpad will set up better when it comes down to PM instead of taking it out all together.