
I’m currently the pinnacle of patriotic Spaniard as I sit trying not to cry at the airport leaving to go back to university in Germany whilst listening to Suspiros de España on repeat. 


@BiParis54 I dont think I've seen or heard anyone use the word 'whilst' in quite a while...or ever.


I’m currently the pinnacle of patriotic Spaniard as I sit trying not to cry at the airport leaving to go back to university in Germany whilst listening to Suspiros de España on repeat. 


@BiParis54 I dont think I've seen or heard anyone use the word 'whilst' in quite a while...or ever.


I just read your bio you do in fact like your punctuation and grammar dfghjkjhgfdfghjk  :)

hiya_ig I didn't think you were lying :)


In real-life texts you can usually see my level of insanity because I’ll start to forgo punctuation. 


@hiya_ig Did you think I was lying  


this message may be offensive
This is a strange request, but, based on the following reasons why I wasn’t a fan of The Lord of the Rings films, I need a fantasy movie recommendation
          1) It’s 3h long
          2) Most of those 3h is just fighting
          3) Just generally not intellectual enough, they took something which is sort of intellectual as in a book and then just made the whole thing about fighting orcs for an audience of teenaged boys
          4) Not gay enough (at this point this is optional, but gayness is advised. Also yes, I’ve seen Legolas and I know he’s a twink, but that’s not enough)
          Yes I know I’m an asshole and yes I know it’s rather specific but still. Do I even have enough followers for this?


@Aksh-- Thank you very much! I do love reading fantasy as well, I will certainly check them out! It’s just I love fantasy in general (books, computer games, anything) but I don’t know many films of the genre that I actually like or even tolerate. 


@BiParis54 I dont watch many movies so I dont think I can recommend some. But I do have a few books matching your criteria I guess? 
            Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (though I read this a long time ago and didnt fully understand the things happening in the book it was pretty cool)
            The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (I've only read book one of this series, but it was awesome.  As for the gay part, it IS supposed to be gay but I guess I didnt read as far into the series to come across that part.)
            I know this isnt what you were looking for, but I decided to recommend anyway.


I just had my first terrible customer, I work at a wine shop. He was English and extremely upset about being kept waiting, even more upset when I tried to joke about it. I’d just poured wine all over a German, and he had a much better sense of humour about it. Considering the British have been joking for centuries about Germans’ lack of humour he should probably be a bit embarrassed. 
          Also, you got my terrible jokes FOR FREE and you’re complaining about it? You should be grateful you upstart. 


Ok, so I matched with a cute girl on Tinder and I’m still too scared to actually openly flirt with her instead of having chaste conversations because what if she’s actually a straight girl looking for friends or something? She has a rainbow in her profile info but does that means anything? Is it a straight thing? Experts on straightness please come forward I am a gay disaster. 


            I will proceed on the assumption that she’s not straight but also I’m a disastrous and nervous gay so don’t assume anything will come out of this  


@BiParis54 the rainbow is definitely not a straight thing, i can tell you that much, she's definitely not straight, so shoot your shot!!! MAKE SURE TO TELL US HOW IT GOES