
DEAR FOLLOWERS: I am sorry to announce this but today I have unpublished all of my works and I will not publish them until the End of March, Again this is for the growing problem of people stealing fanfics and selling them. I will publish my works again until the 1st of April. Again, stay safe and sorry for this development


@TheRheNheYhe fr, they be doing too much (`⌒´メ)


they fr treat everything as a way to get currency -.-


A person: *makes a small fic*
          	  Random 3rd party website: *intense operation steal and sell for money*


My situation as of right now: *is starving for SG:R fanfics as i desperately look for them literally anywhere-*


character leak (personally from me from the actual game): 
            *Admist the fog, A click appears within, as it suddenly disperses into an X shape with a figure standing inside, both arms crossed, as their figure emits a menacing aura.
            VantaX: Out of my way. / Where are you going? The fun’s just starting.
            Another one..
            *A change within the atmosphere appears, as a cloud of smoke from above seems to condense into one spot, forming a condensed sphere that slowly materializes into a person.*
            Divinity: Hmm..
            *They stand there blankly, one arm dispersing light energy as the other one wields a runical longsword, glowing in yellow and white.*
            btw, its Star Glitchers Revitalized, i tried to hide this and hint at it cuz yk the 3rd party money makers tryna steal everything.. welp now the game risks being pirated, nice and solid. imma delete it once you reply.


Wow, that’s a lot of words


DEAR FOLLOWERS: I am sorry to announce this but today I have unpublished all of my works and I will not publish them until the End of March, Again this is for the growing problem of people stealing fanfics and selling them. I will publish my works again until the 1st of April. Again, stay safe and sorry for this development


@TheRheNheYhe fr, they be doing too much (`⌒´メ)


they fr treat everything as a way to get currency -.-


A person: *makes a small fic*
            Random 3rd party website: *intense operation steal and sell for money*


QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just been aware that there is a problem with FANFICTION- and I wanna be clear, that my works of fanfiction may not be deleted, But I will pull them out by the end of this week. And I will go haitus through March- April might be when I return my stories here. REMINDER THAT FANFICTION IS NOT FOR SALE AND IT IS DIGUSTING HOW PEOPLE ARE STEALING WORKS AND MAKING THEM INTO BOOKS AND BEING GREEDY- Stay safe fanfic writers!!!!


@hyperfixatedgirl  I know, I just hope that those kinds of greedy ahh people just leave us alone! Why do they have to be so goddamn greedy! (`-д-;)ゞ


@Bulbasaur175 I had no idea! I hope these greedy people can be taken care of and don't put the rest of us in a bad spotlight :(


Guys I’m scared…….. I just checked my old account’s Kny mafia Au and I’m traumatized by how down bad everyone is- LIKE BRO WHAT MY FANFIC CANNOT BE SEEN ITS SO CRINGYYY IM LITERALLY DYING OF LAUGHTER AND CRINGE 


Go to the section where you see the accounts I follow, there you will see a Gacha Club face, press on it and then you’ll see my old account and all of the unfinished stuff, there you will see a book that has the hashira in suits. If you want to you can read it but for me I’ll be in my corner and eating gummies in shame.