
Oh my goodness that was a last minute sprint to the finish, but we did it! Telltale Tango is complete just in time to submit for the final round of ONC. We really hope you liked our story and we're excited to share more with you soon. 
          	Until next time,
          	Camila (aka Amaro and Eliza)


“Oh my gosh we’re going to have a nomenclature debate? Here in the middle of a downtown street while you drag me to an undisclosed location?”
          Giselle has a bit of a situation on her hands trying to figure out where Feliciano is from. He won’t tell, but maybe she can trick him into it! *shhhh*
          Happy Reading!  
          Link for quick clicking.


"On the plus side, I am no longer cold, as the embarrassment of my inability to date flares through me like a river breaking through a dam. Priya would say this is what happens when a person doesn't date for too long. She'd say I've lost my flair."
          The date continues as Giselle runs off with Feliciano through a narrow alley and into a mall. 
          Giselle is starting to wonder if she really knows Feliciano, so the detective is starting to come out. 
          We hope you enjoy,
          ~Camila (aka Amaro and Eliza)
          Link for quick clicks here:


"Giselle looks around like she's expecting the CIA to bust the door."
          Feliciano is having a major struggle with his usual bad-boy ways and a little something something he's definitely not feeling for Giselle. 
          Also, there's an unwanted intrusion from someone no one wanted to see again. 
          We hope you like it! 
          ~Camila (aka Amaro & Eliza)