
Hey guys! Quick announcement to go with the AAH update today!
          	So, along with an increasily busy non-writing life, I've also been struggling a little for motivation on this story in the wake of JRK's continuingly aggressive anti-trans pedantry and biggotry, especially as she takes an active role in making the world a less safe place for the trans community. I thought about posting this as an author's note, but I didn't want it getting lost in the middle of the story on a random chapter, so I'm saying it here instead: this story, this account, and all of my characters support trans people and trans rights. I know how much Alexa's story means to some of my readers, and how much it means to me, so I'm not going to let JKR ruin the enjoyment, stories, or world we've built outside of her limited and ignorant world view, especially not since so many of our versions of the story focus on inclusion and love in all forms, no matter what JRK might think or endorse. But AAH, me, and Alexa and friends are all strong believers that trans rights are human rights. Hate, bigotry, and exclusionary bs are not welcome here; never have been, never will be. That said, love you all, and hope you enjoy the new chapter of AAH! I know it's been a long time coming, and I will do my absolute best to get another one out to you ASAP as well!


Hey guys! Quick announcement to go with the AAH update today!
          So, along with an increasily busy non-writing life, I've also been struggling a little for motivation on this story in the wake of JRK's continuingly aggressive anti-trans pedantry and biggotry, especially as she takes an active role in making the world a less safe place for the trans community. I thought about posting this as an author's note, but I didn't want it getting lost in the middle of the story on a random chapter, so I'm saying it here instead: this story, this account, and all of my characters support trans people and trans rights. I know how much Alexa's story means to some of my readers, and how much it means to me, so I'm not going to let JKR ruin the enjoyment, stories, or world we've built outside of her limited and ignorant world view, especially not since so many of our versions of the story focus on inclusion and love in all forms, no matter what JRK might think or endorse. But AAH, me, and Alexa and friends are all strong believers that trans rights are human rights. Hate, bigotry, and exclusionary bs are not welcome here; never have been, never will be. That said, love you all, and hope you enjoy the new chapter of AAH! I know it's been a long time coming, and I will do my absolute best to get another one out to you ASAP as well!


Hey guys! Exciting news!
          First, for AAH3: starting today, updates will now be every three days! Today’s is going to go up as usual, and then you can check back here Monday at 10am for chapter sixty-one! Then Thursday, then Sunday, etc. :)
          Second, for 2024, I’ve set myself a ‘Year of Fic’ challenge! I’m going to be more active posting about it and such on Tumblr, but basically, every Friday for 2024 you can expect a new oneshot from me. I’m doing stuff across fandoms, platonic and not, with a ton of different characters. I can’t wait to get creating, and to share a bunch of fun new stories with everybody!
          And finally, happy new year! I hope everyone’s 2024 is off to a wonderful start!


@1AnAnonymousWriter1 it's also going well, at least so far! Thanks for asking!


happy new year! mine is going well; how about yours?


Hii sorry, absolutely accidentally deleted my post on your wall. It’s too early for me lmfaoo but anyway, just wanted to say how much I love SGW and if you ever choose to write a sequel or spinoff or a rewrite of the entire show to include Sam, know that you’ll have a number 1 fan reading! I love all of your Grant Ward work and I’m so excited for any more to come! Have a great day! Happy Monday 


Oh my gosh this is the sweetest thing ever! I absolutely love Grant Ward, so I’m happy I can share that obsession with people lol and that they enjoy my work. Thank you so so much, I hope you have a wonderful Monday too :)❤️


rereading all of AAH bc i forgot to vote 'em all


Same here ^///^  Gonna have to see when I’ve got the time, but I’m already looking forward to it <33333


Awww that’s so sweet!! I hope you enjoy it :)❤️


It’s AAH3 update day!!  and also new cover for Saving Grant Ward day! @srisrusri3292 made the amazing new cover for me forever ago, and I was originally going to change it once I’d finished editing the book, but I have no idea when I’m going to have time to edit that book again and I was tired of waiting to post the new cover ❤️ hope everybody enjoys!


@CaptainSophieStark IKKKKKKK its so interesting too so much better than school
            and thanks :D


@a_weird_MCU_fan OMG DUDE THAT’S SO EXCITING THOUGH!!!! Yeah it’s a very tiring experience especially once classes pick up and everything, but it’s super fun too!! I hope you enjoy!! ❤️❤️


@CaptainSophieStark about the same haha. I just started college this week so im soooooooo tired XD


Hey guys! Long time no see lol. My irl life has been very busy lately, but now that it's calmed down at least slightly, I've got two quick updates for all of you!
          First, I'm currently working on finishing book 3 of An American At Hogwarts! I've got a good couple new chapters written, but I'm holding off on posting until I get a little further along just so I have a buffer for regular updates in case life gets crazy again. But, I thought you'd all like to know that I'm currently in the process of writing it and I'll let you know as soon as you can expect regular updates again!
          Second, in the meantime, I'm going to start the process of putting the first two AAH books on Ao3! I might put Saving Grant Ward on there at some point too, but for now I'm going to be going through the AAH chapters starting from book one and adding them to Ao3. I know this probably won't affect any of you, since you all read those books here, but I thought I'd announce it anyway :)
          Hope you're all doing well! If all goes according to plan, I'll be seeing you back here shortly ❤️❤️


@CaptainSophieStark Yay!! That'll be awesome!


Good to see you again! Looking forward to the third book and seeing your work on Ao3


@CaptainSophieStark I can't waiiittt to see yah againn  >:D
            Take your time tho ^^ 
            And take careee!


Hi Sophie! I stumbled upon your "American at Hogwarts" series and absolutely love it. I haven't started book 3 yet, but I wanted to offer the idea that one of the movie marathons have "Jurassic Park" in it. I'd love to see how everyone reacts to the intro alone!