

hey!! it’s orlboo, I used to comment on Inconsolable a year or two ago! recently got back into Holes and I knew exactly where to look for a great fic. glad to see you’re still writing and I hope you’ve been well!!


@adamsbank hey there! i remember you! every now and then i'd think about you and hope you're doing well! thanks so much for still coming back to Inconsolable after all this time! i'm in it for the long haul (and i even have a sequel planned!)  i've been doing really well, thanks!


Thank you all so much for over 50k reads and 703 votes on Inconsolable! You all are making ME inconsolable! I didn't ever think this little story of mine would reach that are bur you all continue to surprise me, warm my heart, and make me feel so supported, especially on the days I want to give up. You all keep me going.
          Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! 


To my readers of Inconsolable:
          I know you all are waiting for the next chapter. I know I said I'd be posting it "soon". I never anticipated for it to take this long, however, my life has been one thing after another after another. Every time I get past one hurdle that's come my way, another one comes along that saps my energy, motivation, and focus. I was all set to get more done this weekend only to wake up in pain yesterday from having (somehow) pulled a muscle in my lower back.
          I'm so, so sorry for the wait. I know you all have been waiting for a while and it was never my intention for you all to wait the better part of a year to get to the next one. Just know, I am working on it. I'm always thinking about this fic. I love the characters and the story as much as you all do.
          I hope you understand and I'm sorry again. Thank you for your patience.


Happy 20th Anniversary, Holes! This movie has shaped my life and is my absolute favorite fandom to write in after all these years. Inconsolable is my baby and, even with the gaps between updates, I'm always thinking about this fic. I've been writing it for over eight years and I'm so touched to know others are out there reading it and connecting to my story. It means the world to me. Thank you all for your support!


Happy New Year everyone!
          First of all, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read my works, commented, voted, and added them to their reading lists! Your support means so much to me, especially in regards to my Holes fic, Inconsolable. It's no surprise to hear the Holes fandom is a dead fandom. Like, it's *super* dead. But I've loved the book since 98 and loved the movie since 03 and they've only grown over the years. Inconsolable popped out of my brain one day in my quest to answer a question (what is Squid's backstory?) and to let my voice speak in a way I felt couldn't be heard in life. I have a story to tell and I'm not stopping until it's told.
          That being said, I realized today, on the last day of 2022, that Inconsolable has officially reached 25k reads!! What?? That's so amazing! I don't have the right words to say just how much this milestone means to me and how much it means to have all of you out there reading and waiting so patiently for me to update. You're all so amazing!
          As noted in some comments, I do tend to take my time between updates because of well, life, my job, lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of inspiration, and various other means. But the patience and grace you all have shown me between updates when I know you're waiting is greatly appreciated. 
          I cherish all of you and can't wait for you to see where Inconsolable goes as it heads towards it's conclusion. But don't worry! Squid and Mickey's story isn't done! I have a few additions to their story coming up soon, including a direct Inconsolable sequel.
          2022 has treated me so well and I can't wait to see where 2023 takes us all! Thank you again for your support. See you next year!