
If y'all want to have private chat. Dm me on Instagram:


So wattpad is going to remove DMs/Private messaging..... wow 


@taeguk4lyf oooof. I feel you. Uni ain't for the weak


@ChangMubs zamnnnn i missed out a lot huh....I'm a uni student now. Got into med school and I'm not enjoying it atm lmao


@taeguk4lyf broooo life has been lifing. I'm working now


Please report Jeovxn. This person has been reposting Mutual Help by personasintro on their Wattpad account. The author has made it clear that she doesn't want her work reposted or translated, and that's a violation of boundaries. The original story was previously on Wattpad on personasintro's profile, but it was taken down for violating community guidelines, but it's available on Tumblr and AO3. And since this person won't take it down, the only thing to do is to mass report it. 


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
You know I really have to commend my people coz the shit I saw on Zim Twitter today and to my fellow Zimbabweans, if you know you know. And to those outside of Zimbabwe who want the tea: I gotchu. 
          So there's this woman who goes by Mai Titi. She's a comedian, a gospel artist, entrepreneur, single mother to two kids, and was sent to prison for fraud involving 10K US dollars (fraud cases are pretty common here in Zimbabwe.) So I open Twitter and they first thing I see is the headline Mai Titi's daughter Fifi post nudes on the same month as her mother one year later (and of course, the nudes are there) and Zim Twitter is having a field day with this. We have people saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and how this is fatherless behaviour, we have people making memes about Zimbabwean men running straight to telegram to see more, and other Zimbabwean men asking if she's over 18 so they can go crazy without having to worry about catching a statutorily charge (and no i have no idea how old this girl is.)
          And the fact that this girl managed to stir and provoke this much of a reaction on damn near every INCH of Zim Twitter is astronomical and I don't know if I should be impressed or concerns coz GADAMN (◎-◎;)


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
So apparently, Wattpad has been on a story removal streak this past week. I've been hearing that some writers have had their stories removed for "violating community guidelines" and it's giving TikTok :/.
          I think it's high time we back up our stories in case Wattpad decides to put this shit on us. In case one of my stories gets removed, follow me on:
          Inkitt: Chang The Nerd
          AO3: Ms_Liz_Steele
          Fanfiction.Net: MsLizSteele99
          Tumblr: mslizsteele-stories


@BlueroseSnow so so true. On top of making us pay for stories to read


@ChangMubs Youre right. Ive had Sinfully Miraculous taken down almost 4 times now and nit only do they not even tell you what "guideline" you violated but it doesnt even get saved back into your draft so once its gone its GONE. Wattpad has really went down since its popularity risen somewhere in the late 2010s. and AO3 are the only chill platform these days


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
So apparently two of @seoulsister_75's stories were removed for violating wattpad guidelines. Like WHAT? What is it about these stories that warranted their removal? Is it because @seoulsister_75 doesn't shy away from writing about ACTUAL serious problems people face in real life? Like we have stories that glorify abuse, toxic relationships, SA and all kinds of messed up shit yet THOSE stories get millions to billions of views. You want proof? There's a Jung Hoseok ff where he gets SAed by y/n just because she wanted to get over her chest ex boyfriend. And that story is still up. But sure, let an innocent writer's story get taken down all because she's trying to HELP PEOPLE COPE WITH LIFE. 
          If possible, guys, please appeal to wattpad to bring Reset and Deep Waters by @seoulsister_75. 


@ChangMubs Thanks, Chang!  My kids were upset too.  I'll try to figure out if they wanted a trigger warning or what their issue was.  I would appeal, but they didn't even give me an idea of what the violation was.


@the-red-jester right! I had to speak up about it coz this is bullcrap


Is it me, or are funerals like another type of family reunion? Especially when you meet extended family and friends you haven't seen or heard from in years. 
          It does feel nice seeing and catching up with them even tho it could have been under better circumstances coz it's a funeral. People are mourning. But in a way, it is comforting coz it does put you at ease and help you cope with the loss. And I think that the beauty of it


@ChangMubs Yeah, for sure, funerals can feel like a reunion.  And not all funerals are super sad.  It all depends on the circumstances.


Hey...I actually don't know whom to ask , but have you ever read a jjk fanfic named " The sacrifice " which seems not to be  available anymore in wattpad....does anyone know what happened to the author's account ? Or have anyone to ask about it ?


@We_Are_So_LoVely hmmmm seems like their account is gone 


Are you looking for a post breakup story that gives We Can’t Be Friends by Ariana Grande vibes? Then I highly recommend this story by the lovely @seoulsister_75 and give it some love


@ChangMubs Aw, thanks for highlighting my story!