
Ugh, my allergy is literally killing me- I'm dying!!!
          	   ... It's an exaggeration: I exaggerate a lot of things. Just wanted to complain, you know?
          	 Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a bl... not sure if I can do it. I'll probably start writing it after I finish the vol 2 of 'the villainess is too lazy, something, something' and also  'pushing the love flags bla bla bla.'


@Charlotte-knows-how_ working to hard can be bad for ur health


@Charlotte-knows-how_  Okay, your pretty hardworking compared to me, I barely get my stories done unless their short stories, you should take a break though...


Are you okay?


Hiya sweetie. I hope you're doing well! I hope you don't think this is strange or anything, but I saw an old comment of yours and it led to me wondering how you were. So now I ended up here and thought I'd like to send you some pretty words, maybe some poetry. Yeah, for no reason whatsoever but ahaha I just felt like it and hopefully you'll like it too? This is a poem by Richard Siken
          History repeats itself. Somebody says this.
                           History throws its shadow over the beginning, over the desktop,
          over the sock drawer with its socks, its hidden letters.
                                                     History is a little man in a brown suit
                 trying to define a room he is outside of.
          I know history. There are many names in history
                                                                   but none of them are ours.
          When I saw this in the book, I thought wow. i felt the little man in the brown suit was a little silly, but I've been him a lot. It made me wish I could be in that room, instead of outside it. It made me wish I could create my own history. That's how it made me feel, but hopefully I feel like actually walking in there someday. Anyway, this was a poem I enjoyed recently and wanted to share it with you :D take care, love! ❤


Ugh, my allergy is literally killing me- I'm dying!!!
             ... It's an exaggeration: I exaggerate a lot of things. Just wanted to complain, you know?
           Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a bl... not sure if I can do it. I'll probably start writing it after I finish the vol 2 of 'the villainess is too lazy, something, something' and also  'pushing the love flags bla bla bla.'


@Charlotte-knows-how_ working to hard can be bad for ur health


@Charlotte-knows-how_  Okay, your pretty hardworking compared to me, I barely get my stories done unless their short stories, you should take a break though...


Are you okay?