
Hi guys,
          	Going with an idea here I wanna see what you guys think.
          	I want to make an interactive book with the readers, so meaning I write one or two chapters or more depending then at the last updated chapter I give you options and based on the most vote option or favored idea, the story goes on.
          	So basic example lets say love triangle, Jane, Luke and Vernon.
          	If i ask, Should Jane go on a date with Vernon to Paris or with Vernon on a yacht date, the one who gets the most votes will be the next few chapters and the story evolves, if you get my drift.
          	Yay or nay to idea?


Sounds great!


@CherryBlossom2214 I like the idea. I try to vote and comment on stories I like; hoping that the author feels encouraged. This would be a next step  (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)


I finished reading 'It's too Late' a couple days ago & I loved it. Right now I'm on chapter 9 of 'Dorothy's Redemption' & I have to say I absolutely love it. Of all the many stories I've read since I've had this acct that are similar to these stories, I love the fact that you took a completely different approach. Instead of portraying Dorothy as a villain as most stories do, which regardless I do still enjoy reading those but you're showing that she's a victim while Kevin was the true villain & psychopath. Keep up the great work & I'm looking forward to reading more of your other stories when I'm finished with this one.


Hi guys,
          Going with an idea here I wanna see what you guys think.
          I want to make an interactive book with the readers, so meaning I write one or two chapters or more depending then at the last updated chapter I give you options and based on the most vote option or favored idea, the story goes on.
          So basic example lets say love triangle, Jane, Luke and Vernon.
          If i ask, Should Jane go on a date with Vernon to Paris or with Vernon on a yacht date, the one who gets the most votes will be the next few chapters and the story evolves, if you get my drift.
          Yay or nay to idea?


Sounds great!


@CherryBlossom2214 I like the idea. I try to vote and comment on stories I like; hoping that the author feels encouraged. This would be a next step  (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)


Hi guys, I know I have been quiet for a while but things have been hard and it leaves little time for my mind to relax to actually write...
          New job overload, wedding, house burning down, lost a lot of money in investments....a lot happened.... I'm tired but trying my best to write little by little, just not to publish yet cuz it doesn't feel right yet, maybe it's just me who feels it's not there yet...but please bear with me and thanks for everyone who is supporting me and reading my books. It makes me not want to stop.


I love reading your books please don't stop writing


@CherryBlossom2214 love your works and look forward to the time you’re ready to write again. 


@CherryBlossom2214 No worries, hopefully things will go your way soon, love reading your books, always patiently waiting, no rush, good luck your way