
Hello lovelies. A new chapter of Second Best has been published. This is the final chapter of this part and I'm so glad it's finally done. 
          	Go check out Fire and Blood, my new Daemon Targaryen book and Survival, my Bellamy Blake book that's been republished, again. Also look out for Challengers book which is going to be published over the next two weeks or so. 
          	Happy reading.


Hello lovelies. A new chapter of Second Best has been published. This is the final chapter of this part and I'm so glad it's finally done. 
          Go check out Fire and Blood, my new Daemon Targaryen book and Survival, my Bellamy Blake book that's been republished, again. Also look out for Challengers book which is going to be published over the next two weeks or so. 
          Happy reading.


Hello lovelies. Recently I’ve taken a large break from writing and Wattpad, mostly because of exams. However, now you should expect that chapters being updated regularly once more between now and the next two weeks. 
          If you noticed, I did take down Survival, my Bellamy Blake book, for revamping because I really wasn’t happy with it and it wasn’t gathering as many reads as I had hoped. I have added a few more plot points and made some changes though most of the dialogue is the same so hopefully it would be more successful.
          Thank you everyone for being so patient waiting for updates on my ongoing books, and hopefully they’ll be back up soon. 


Hii wanted to know when will you publish the next book of dark phoenix
          Love the book


Chapters come out every Wednesday 


Dark Phoenix is not finished and is the second book to my first Nightshade