
I’m baaaack >:D




Hey! It’s been quite a bit and I’m just checking to make sure your alright and safe. Hope your doing okay and just know that you’re an amazing person and extremely talented. Hope to cya soon! Have a great summer <3


this message may be offensive
Hey guys Uh, idk if I give a fuck about this book like that anymore. I’m sorry but I’ve just been absolutely horrible, my mental health is declining and I’m not sure if I’m mentally sturdy enough to update this shit consistently. Like idk how to describe it this shit comes with its highs and lows. Oh. And some of the comments are absolutely disgusting like I don’t need to know how wet you are Samantha. Like dirty comments are fine yknow, it’s a smut book. But, some of you get really descriptive and it’s odd. Like would you say that to my face❔ shut the fuck up. Don’t be weird lol. Anyways not saying I’m quitting but uH, it’ll probably be a little before I update this again 


@Clownwh0rem that's terrible!! Look, take all the time you need. Mental health and your well being is more important than something on the Internet. I'm sure everyone that reads (or most at least) would agree that taking breaks is perfectly okay, necessary even!! We all hope that you're doing okay, in all seriousness. You work hard and your style of writing takes a hell of a long time! And people sometimes do get too descriptive. It can be very disgusting as there is a person behind that writing that doesn't really want to hear that stuff. Yes, you write smut, but voicing something private like that is a little strange. I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!! You deserve it, friend. You will be welcomed with open arms as soon as you get back!


@YourLocalSimpy0 thank you so much. You’ve always been such a loving supporter of mine and I hope you have a happy New Years as well!


Dinners readyyy. New chapter just released. Sorry if it took a little bit, I got sick like twice and end of semester exams are no joooke so sorry if it’s a little rushed or sloppy. And I hope you enjoy.


Heyyyy merry Xmas!!! I hope your having a fantastic Christmas and I had a bit of an idea for a special, of course you don’t have to use it since your the author and I honestly don’t care much about it being turned down but just to give maybe a bit of an idea if u would like maybe a Christmas special smut when a guy breaks into a girl house dressed as Santa and she woke to the sound of him entering but she obvi knows he isn’t real but she goes to check bc who the hell wouldn’t and then when the tall man finally spots her whatever happens with a criminal and girl ya know but I just wanted to share the idea and if anyone else sees this and wants to use it feel free too I’m just tossing ideas out bc I’m not skilled to write :p


You got a life too and honestly people should respect that have a wonderful Christmas and hope you did well on exams! <3


Nah it’s fine I’m excited heheh merry Christmas Eve :p


It’s been so long :’) u good?


Nah I totally get it, take your time and get some rest. Hope u feel better! <3


Yeah I just have been busy and not feeling very well. I’m tryna hurry up and finish my current chapter I’m working on but I’m so tired lol


Hey guys umm…I didn’t know Ben was 12 I’m taking down the Ben drowned chapter immediately. I am so sorry, I thought he aged up with the rest of the pastas and was a grown ass man.


Babes don’t worry lol he died at the age of twelve and his soul has aged it’s tots fine if you take it down bc some people may be hating on it but many people have their diff ways of seeing him and wether his soul aged ect don’t worry luv it’s all good you fantastic and it’s not ur fault <3