
The Story Center has published a new chapter in their Share Center! Want to share your story freely, similar to a forum? Follow the link for more information -


Olá, queridos leitores do Wattpad. 
          Convido vocês a lerem minha primeira obra na plataforma. 
          Diana Dubois: Caçadora de Lobisomem
          Sinopse: Em uma cidade tranquila na França, a vida de Diana Dubois muda para sempre com a misteriosa morte de seu pai. Em meio a segredos e escolhas desafiadoras, ela se vê diante de um destino que transcende a simplicidade do cotidiano, revelando uma jornada de mistério, romance e autodescoberta.
          Leia e descubra os mistérios que esta história reserva.
          Autora: Bella Shadowstorm
          Instagram: @bia.albuq_
          OBS: Todas as imagens utilizadas na história foram criadas por meio de inteligência artificial. Cada personagem, cena e mundo são frutos da minha imaginação. Uso aplicativos de inteligência artificial para dar uma ideia de como imagino cada detalhe da narrativa.
          Qualquer semelhança é mera coincidência.
          Plágio é crime.


 i've done something crazy in "Mine for 24 Hella-Hours" DID YOU CHECK THAT? NO? bruh you missing out something really crazy!!! imagine a motorbike guy who's sexily tattooed and on top of cheery is tattoo artist- what do you think his love would be? YOU CAN'T IMAGINE, go fast and check that out.


@CommunityHub I am not normally the kind of person who would be doing this but I think I have reached my limit point. Please bring back the private messages feature and many other good features which you have removed over the past few years. 
          I have already said this once and I am saying this again. There are many people here who actually enjoyed Wattpad with the ability to communicate with other people without having to go through a lot of the important details. This was a unique platform since we all were communicating with each other and treating everyone as one and the same without any differences.
          I am sure many people here will agree with me as well so please do have a heart to actually do something about this and maybe, reply as to what is going on.


@CommunityHub I understand but unfortunately, I had to keep this message here because @Wattpad_Research was not responding at all to any of our concerns. Thanks at least for replying.


@Siya_Shyjesh Hi there. Please note that we are not affiliated with the ambassadors in any way and are only a group of passionate Wattpad users. 
            To give feedback to the right people, follow this link and select 'feature feedback' -


Bring Back Message #freedomwattpad Pleasee


@AndReya_16 Hi there. Please note that we are not affiliated with the ambassadors in any way and are only a group of passionate Wattpad users. 
            To give feedback to the right people, follow this link and select 'feature feedback' -


The Story Center has published a new chapter in their Share Center! Want to share your story freely, similar to a forum? Follow the link for more information -