
So I just rewatched the Flash before the new season came out on Netflix, and I just thought of something really cool that the writers of the show should do. I think they should end with 10 seasons if season 9 is as good as the rest were and they should end it with Barry going back in time to fight the Reverse-Flash and have it end as Barry’s story began. It would be so cool.


Both DC and marvel. Mainly the CW DC shows not a big fan of the movies. I only like Wonder Woman and Superman for the movies


@DaughterofAthena125 That's brilliant! 
          	  Reverse flash is super annoying!
          	  So, you a DC fan too?


So I just rewatched the Flash before the new season came out on Netflix, and I just thought of something really cool that the writers of the show should do. I think they should end with 10 seasons if season 9 is as good as the rest were and they should end it with Barry going back in time to fight the Reverse-Flash and have it end as Barry’s story began. It would be so cool.


Both DC and marvel. Mainly the CW DC shows not a big fan of the movies. I only like Wonder Woman and Superman for the movies


@DaughterofAthena125 That's brilliant! 
            Reverse flash is super annoying!
            So, you a DC fan too?


Hey, how is everyone? Writer’s block is terrible, but I have half chapters for many of my stories on here that will hopefully be up by the middle of August. Also do I have any Swifties here excited for Red?


I hate school and writers block so much. I am trying to get something out for you guys but I have no ideas whatsoever. I am working on a new chapter for Defenders and Mistaken. I am trying to get out another oneshot and I have a few other stories started


@DaughterofAthena125 a friend once told me that I never have to put writing before my life
            Take your time 
            You are always allowed to put your personal life before your social media


@DaughterofAthena125 Take your time!! Can't wait for more books!


I just finished Rule of Wolves and the ending was so mean. She just ended on a cliffhanger and there is no other book coming out in the series


@RiisingNovels there will apparently be another Six of Crows but it takes place years later and probably won’t explain much


@DaughterofAthena125 Oh, I hate that. Cliffhangers are great for first and second books and such in series, but not in the last book. The last book needs to wrap things up, especially if it's the literal ending to a series that's not gonna continue.


For some reason my Wattpad won’t let me follow new people. Is anyone else having that problem?


@DaughterofAthena125 you may have reached your follow limit. You can only follow 1000 people. Hope this helps.


Okay, I have decided that Disney songs in their native language are so much prettier than they are in English.


@DaughterofAthena125 I love Cinderella cause it is in French and French is such a romantic language!


@JakeyP99 they are  amazing. Also the songs from Snow White sound so beautiful in German especially I’m Wishing and Some Day my Prince will Come