
Hello everybody. I just wanted to let you all know that I have four weeks left for Fall Semester. I am going to have to focus on studying and doing final assignments. So I will be writing a lot less and will only be focusing on short stories. I will continue the big stories and write more once Winter Break starts.


Take the time you need and Good luck.


@Deotakukids owl house better be first. or I'll send you to Jesus.


@Deotakukids it’s ok. Going through the smae thing


Hello, I wanted to warn you about the new Wattpad Rules, which will come into force on April 15, in short, they can delete stories where there are Lemon scenes between characters under 18, just in case, I recommend creating backups of the story, especially where there is a high risk of deletion, for this if Google docs can help, as well as AO3 and maybe the Web is new, and I will ask everyone to spread this news so that all the Authors who have been working on stories for a long time are fine and that the Wattpad does not touch them, and I ask you to make a decision as soon as possible because the Wattpad is unpredictable