
VAMPREL BOOK 2 is out now! You can see it on my page! LET'S GOOO!


Heyy author nim! r you?..I read ur book u know what I m your BIG FAN RIGHT NOW!....I can't wait to read ur new updates about vamprel....I love this story so much.............I have a request please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update new episodes and also take care of ur self first! u have a nice day


            Thank you for the love sweetie, I really needed it ❤️


@DeviL-In-Utopia ahhh!....I know things are not easy..but I just wanna say take care don't take too much stress......I wanted to u know that u r very good author..we will wait for ur new works....... whenever u get time .......well again take care.


            Hey, how are you doing? I'm really glad you like this story. I've just haven't had the time to focus on things and honestly I was just about to stop or drop this story's book 2 and wanted to leave an open ending for the readers but I don't know, I'm still contemplating that decision


Hey @DeviL-In-Utopia where are you?
          Are you ok? You have not posted anything about vamprel book 2 nor you have posted about yourself for around 4 months. Are u fine? Is there anything bothering you? Please let me know I'm getting anxious about your wellness.


Haha no problem just upload story when you are free nd relaxed and enjoy your new job have a great life ahead.


            THANK youuuu so much
            I'll start working on my stories soon, I'm also tired of the corporate world already


Aah no problem I thought something is wrong btw congratulations for your job


          I DUNNO IF I'M WELL BUT LET'S SAY WE MANAGED TO SURVIVE! I'm just a bit emotional lately while trying to figure out life. I'M also pretty much missing the boys, they're all in the military and it feels like that calm before the storm type of feeling, hopefully it goes well.
          I just wanted to tell y'all that soon well since I feel like it and it's been some time, I'll start updating Vamprel Book 2. Be ready, I know you guys are going to love it. 
          Hoping to see you all there!!!


Moonbin's sudden demise has left me in shock. I was into astro a few years back and that man was the epitome of smiles and happiness. He didn't deserve to die like this. No one does. Suicide is never a solution but I wish the agency thoroughly went through this case. It's important! This is too suspicious to be a suicide. It's not okay to lose such a precious soul and not see through the whole story. It's too painful to think about it.
          I was here when Jonghyun died, back then I was just an year old kpop fan, I didn't know much about him. 
          Moonbin is someone I followed for 2 years and loved. He was filled with life. He was so much more than just an idol. I can't even pray for him as my religion bounds me from that. 
          It's another sad reminder that kpop is not a happy place for everyone. There are kids there who are taking their lives and sadly the Korean government has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for these people! 
          I wish he went on a hiatus, or left the industry. I wish he called a fan out, anyone. We all were here but I can't and don't know what to say anymore. It's too painful to process.