
Chapter 5 for Trapped With Wings has been updated and posted! There's even more changes in this one than the last one and the chapters that haven't been edited yet are going to be very confusing for first time readers now. It took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to rewrite this one. I have an idea of where I want to go, its just a matter of figuring out how to write it.
          	Also, congrats Evan, you get a reference in this chapter! Thanks for being supportive!
          	Until next time everyone!


I don’t know how Evan was supportive but good for him!  


Chapter 5 for Trapped With Wings has been updated and posted! There's even more changes in this one than the last one and the chapters that haven't been edited yet are going to be very confusing for first time readers now. It took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to rewrite this one. I have an idea of where I want to go, its just a matter of figuring out how to write it.
          Also, congrats Evan, you get a reference in this chapter! Thanks for being supportive!
          Until next time everyone!


I don’t know how Evan was supportive but good for him!  


Chapter 4 of Trapped with Wings has now been edited and updated! It's actually been done for a while now and I just forgot to update the chapter. This one has a LOT of changes and things will start to become contradicting from here on out until the future chapters have been edited. Starting from here, the plot will also change ever so slightly. Well, not so much change, more so just things being added. I imagine also starting from here, chapters will become even more sparse as I try to decode my own notes for the subplots I'm trying to squeeze in.
          Until next time


Well I'm back again with yet another update! Chapter 3 of Trapped with Wings has been edited and updated. Very minor changes have been made but there is one bigger change which explains why Aspen wants to keep her blindness a secret from everyone.
          As for my prequel, I've even worked on that a bit more as well, though at this rate, I'm not sure which will be done first; the editing or the prequel? As of right now, it might be the editing simply because I want to patch up all those plot holes before I'll feel comfortable focusing on the prequel completely.
          Well thats all for now. Only took about 3 hours to edit chapter 3 but I'm a bit worried the future chapters with bigger changes might take longer. Bare with me.
          Until next time


Its been a long while, but I've finally updated chapter 2 of Trapped With Wings. I dont know how slow I'm going to be in rewriting the chapters, but I am also working on my prequel with Dan's story again. I'm not sure how well it'll go with working on both at the same time but I'll do my best. 
          So far nothing major has been changed in Trapped With Wings, but the further along I get, the more changes there will definitely be. This way it'll be a better read and will make more sense especially with the prequel to clear some things up. 
          I think the biggest question I've had with the story is "why and how is there a ghost Dan?"
          Well the answer will be within the prequel. If you're willing to wait, I will provide.


Excitment :D


Chapter one of Trapped With Wings is now completely revised and edited! This is just the beginning of the changes the book is going to be going through so it might be worth it to read up as I edit!
          No the twists at the end won't be changing. Sorry for the tears 


Trapped With Wings has a new and improved cover and the prequel is getting a cover of equal magnificence! The prequel isn't anywhere close to being done, but I am still working on it. 
          I was currently just caught up once again on the geological location of where the story takes place. I'm just going to make up an imaginary place at this point because nothing about where it could possibly be makes sense. My brain hurts from thinking too hard about it.
          Anyway, thoughts on how the new cover looks? If you're interested in more art by me you can follow me on Instagram at LittleArtisticShadow. I'll be revealing the prequels name and cover art there first since I won't be revealing it on wattpad until I have the entire thing ready to publish.


@DiamondWillowTree I really am liking this new cover a lot!


Hi everyone! Quick updates on a few things,
          First the unimportant things:
          I'm moving and should then have more time for personal projects like writing and my art! Yay! :D
          The more important things:
          Prequel and other stories are coming along slowly. I'm being worked nonstop by my current job so moving will potentially help give me more time to write.
          I wrote a short story! :D Its an original and not a fan work so I would really appreciate people reading it when I publish it. I'm commissioning some artists for the cover so I'd feel a little bad if people didn't like it and share it with their friends.
          I might write more short stories but I'd rather work on the longer novels I have in my drafts.
          Just you wait and see guys, one day my books will be popular and I'll be a known author among the other popular writers. It'll happen!