
I may have just posted a teeny tiny sneak peek of what I’m currently writing on my Instagram Stories.  Yup. I’m officially writing again. Best. Feeling. Ever.
          	Instagram: doublezone_books 


@LSSmith95 Whenever I announce that I'm writing, it's because I'm actually writing. The issue is, i'll start writing and then get hit with writer's block and find myself back at square one. However, since my update in November, I haven't stopped writing. At the moment I'm just trying to perfect my chapters so that I can be happy with what I post.


@DoUbLeZone OMG you do this every year, when you know you’re not actually going to update. Are you mental? Look I really love your books and all, but please stop with the teasing once a year and never actually doing anything. 


@DoUbLeZone people, don't get your hopes up. This author always say the same thing and never update


Hello, I apologize for writing here without the author’s permission, but there is a novel that I have been searching for for a while. It is a translated novel. I was searching for the original version and was unable to find it. Its story is Rafael Ferrara, Kim Taehyung’s boss, asking him to go with him to Italy to attend the wedding of one of his relatives. It was a flight. He is being attacked and attempted to assassinate, so he asked Taehyung to take on the role of his lover, Nate. Ferrara has a half-brother, Jungkook Costialo. Jungkook was born as a result of his mother being raped by her husband’s enemies. His mother committed suicide while his stepfather raised him for him. 
          I will tell you a scene that you may know the story from. On the day of the wedding, Taehyung was late in waking up and Ferrara went and left him. When he woke up, he put on his clothes in a hurry, and when he left, he found that Jungkook was also late in going because one of his car’s tires had been punctured and he had to repair it. The important thing is that they were on their way to a place. The wedding was surrounded by cars, and there was a clash and gunfire, and then they lost consciousness. When Taehyung woke up, he found that they were in a basement. There, Jungkook was taken to be tortured many times, and the feelings of love between them had grown while they were there in the basement.
          I hope someone can identify her, as she was a family evader from the Italian mafia 


@mela_thv original novel is written by Alessandra Hazzard 


Idk if any fans will see this but from what I've seen her last update was in 2019. I do not believe that she is either A not using this account anymore B no longer on the app or C just no longer writing. Which ever the answer, I'm just happy I got the chance to read what I have so far now I shall go read the vampire marine 


@DoUbLeZone @Alpha_Lover022621 
            Please do update dominance and submission 
            Having sleepless nights 


@Alpha_Lover022621  hey!, It's not discontinued. I'm currently writing new chapters and also editing previous chapters but it's taking a while. Will post when I can.


@Alpha_Lover022621 I love vampire marine, idk whether this is considered spoiler but it's discontinued, still love it tho


Please when are you going to update cellmates part 2 it has been giving me sleepless nights and tampering with my imagination please can you update 2 chapters before this year come to an end.