
Hey there is a few people (tracy_jane an others) who are messaging me offering $200 gift cards from the watt pad team for early Valentine's Day. Has any1 else received these? Can you confirm their reliability? Is it a trap designed to give people virus's? Plz reply 


Hi! I am a first time writer, would love to get your opinion on the first few chapters of my story. The story is a medical drama/romance about an immigrant doctor in the US. 


Hi, I love your profile :)
          Can you direct me to some good Skulduggary Pleasant fan fiction. I want to read as much as I can before the 10th book comes out! 
          I am a diehard Chinduggary supporter and ship Stephanie (the reflection) and Fletcher BUT NOT Valkyie and Fletcher.
          Thank you :)


@Eleabear yo! (I'm replying whoops) Have you checked out @SP_Fanclub ? That's a great place to start! We even have a competition running at the moment, if you'd like to try your hand at that. There are reading lists on that account, so see what you can find!
            (If you see any good fics not up there, be sure to tell me so that I can add them x)
            - Chimera


You are such a saddo


Your the one who took the time out of their day to write this to an account has been inactive for about 2 years.


@Doctor-nye  if is was you I would decline I personally would not trust someone I don't know. Anyway No I would not accept 


Thanx. The fact that u didn't get one is enough proof its a scam anyhow, as if they were from the watt pad team they would have sent 1 2 every1


Hey there is a few people (tracy_jane an others) who are messaging me offering $200 gift cards from the watt pad team for early Valentine's Day. Has any1 else received these? Can you confirm their reliability? Is it a trap designed to give people virus's? Plz reply