~DontDrinkThat, it's Poisonous~ 
"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." This quote has and always will be one that inspires me to write, and I hope it inspires you too.
Writing isn't my hobby, it's something that just comes to me when I need to express my opinion or an idea.
I've changed my bio here so many times, and all these times I've labelled myself as socially awkward. But I guess we're all a little bit awkward sometimes, but that wouldn't be how I'd entirely describe myself. Who I am is who I want to be, and I plan on bring a change to this world. How? I don't know. But I do know that as long as I dare defy the forces of this universe for the better, I will succeed.
  • CsatlakozvaDecember 31, 2013