
When yall envision an Ultimate Streamer
          	A male one mind you.
          	...What do you envision in particular for a design? •~• all I have written down is braces and blonde curly hair with a cap on backwards 
          	As well as how he looks douchy, but is actually a super wholesome nerdy dude. 


Extraordinary Minds is on a temporary Hiatus for now, mostly to ensure I dont completely burn myself out •~• I wanna take a little break to get myself and my energy back for whats to come, especially in the later books!
          That said, THIS IS NOT CANCELLED. Just need to take a small break, but rest assured! I thankfully got the first chapter of Case 2 done! Intermissions taking a bit, but itll come eventually, and I'll have the start of Case 2 ready for yall as a little cherry on top :D  


@DrewFrostStorm Drew!!!!! Oh my god, it's been so long...!!!! I've really missed your characters and I know I have a lot of catching up to do, but I sincerely hope we can chat a little more. I'm glad you're still doing fangan biz!!!!


How’s life?! I created a new fangan because the other one is Cancelled due to lost notes.


T-Bit is a nickname for myself.


I am a pure GENIUS!!!
            - T-Bit.


Ok so update! 
          I got my phone fixed yall! :D screen cracked due to my clumsy ass nature whilst cooking :/ but I got the screen fixed today! That means I can get back to writing- ...Slowly. slowly actually •~• 
          But dont worry! Chapter 2 is in Production for Wars Unseen! I also gotta do the Intermission and theres been some new ideas Ive had im testing currently so- stay tuned! And patient especially ;~; 


@DrewFrostStorm Have you heard of Mario the music box?! I am planning on making a Fangan inspired by that.


Please Read:
          I am heavily considering rebooting Extraordinary Minds, due to not feeling fully satisfied with the first book and especially the second. There were cases I did like there, and material I wanna keep. However, some cases..
          I wanna rework, as I have some incredibly good ideas that I think are far more fitting to the characters and especially the blackends. I also wanna explore more of the ones who canonically died, and yes the death orders gonna remain the same. However, I more so wanna try new approaches as said to each case. 
          I hope yall can understand if I do or dont do this, I want to but. Procrastination is heavily on my mind, and with the fact I can barely afford to hire people for proofreading amongst other things. 
          If anything, and if it makes it easier for yall and especially new readers? I could try doing just summaries of each case from the first two, and go over what I would love to do in a potential final draft?
          Thats all for now o_o  




Another question I was once asked. Would I ever put my characters in a Persona setting of sorts. 
          ...Id love to, but- tbh. Thinking up every single detail like I have with my current ongoing series- 
          Oh lord o_o 
          If others wanted to try takin a wack at it, im down for it! Just-
          Make sure to credit me first for my characters and consult me on how everyones written before posting stuff? Just so things are correct and characters are portrayed right! 


Since I get asked a lot, Id like to clarify.
          You may mod my characters into games! Friday Night Funkin, Rivals of Aether, etc.
          JUST REMEMBER. to credit me and consult me on said mods, so I can give some pointers if need be :D 


Im beginning to consider going on full Hiatus after Trial 1 of the third books done U_U 
          Not that I hate the series, I just-
          Dont have the motivation as of lately to write. Lack of reads and votes has been gettin the better of me as well stupidly enough. Plus, Im aware art has been inconsistent as. 1. I cant commission others due to money issues and 2. ..I cant fackin draw o_o 
          Idk though. Like said, I keep trying to find reasons to bother writing but. I just dont have the energy anymore when people are breathing down my neck constantly for updates or questions about every single damn detail. 
          Im one writer. This shits stressful. 


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
Series might be on hiatus for some time if my phones royally fucked. I accidentally dropped it in water, and this is one of my only ways to actually fucking write! 
          So fuck me I suppose -_- If I cant continue, Itll be on Hiatus while I find another way to continue writing. 


this message may be offensive
Update: Thankfully just the speakers fucked up on my phone, and whilst deciding to put it in some rice n all. Then takin it back out to post this, I find rice crammed in my fucking charging slot. Oh joy! 
            ..Thats handled. As said, just my speakers fucked up so. 
            My phones not completely fucked :D but Im gonna need to take a few days to be completely sure since god knows what shit itll pull