
calling any batfam fans - i uploaded a little somethin to archive if that’s your thing!
          	The irony was, Dick didn’t see the green mist settle in until it was on his tongue. An acrid, medicinal film, seizing his lungs in a chokehold while he buckled over, hands clutching at his knees for a sense of stability.
          	His hand shot up to his mouth, it clamped around his nose, he held his breath; all attempts in vain to undo what he knew would begin soon.
          	He made an ‘abort’ gesture, stumbling back into the shadows. “Robin,” he rasped out. “Code Fern. I’ve been hit, we’re heading out.”
          	(or: dick gets hit with fear toxin. this experience reveals a lot of surprising conversations he needs to have with his brothers.)


Bet, I’ll head right over


calling any batfam fans - i uploaded a little somethin to archive if that’s your thing!
          The irony was, Dick didn’t see the green mist settle in until it was on his tongue. An acrid, medicinal film, seizing his lungs in a chokehold while he buckled over, hands clutching at his knees for a sense of stability.
          His hand shot up to his mouth, it clamped around his nose, he held his breath; all attempts in vain to undo what he knew would begin soon.
          He made an ‘abort’ gesture, stumbling back into the shadows. “Robin,” he rasped out. “Code Fern. I’ve been hit, we’re heading out.”
          (or: dick gets hit with fear toxin. this experience reveals a lot of surprising conversations he needs to have with his brothers.)


Bet, I’ll head right over


hello party bus, little update:
          i've started writing batfamily fics! for those who aren't familiar it's basically the umbrella term for batman and his many many adopted vigilante kids. definitely fits my usual m.o. of "found family" writing, lol
          i have one uploaded already to my ao3 (which is linked on my account), but let me know if there would be any interest in uploading them here :-)


@ols3ns  here’s a link if you want to check it out! my first fic was redhood-centric :-)


@Eccentric_Grace the way i will read it uppost for me lollll


@ols3ns that was my question actually!! I wasn’t sure if anybody on wattpad would want to read my batfam writing because i usually do irondad stuff. the writing itself is already finished and posted on my archive :-)


"By the way," Tony said, scooping her up with a grunt. He carried her into the elevator with relative ease, although he didn't look happy about it. "Duct tape is not a valid tourniquet in any timeline, little miss."
          "My bad," Mayday pulled her mask off and smiled sheepishly at him. "It's nice to see you, by the way. Did you miss me?"
          "Miss you? I've got a you already here, running around and giving me grey hairs," Tony complained. He pressed a button on the elevator with his thumb. "He goes by the name of Peter Parker, you may have heard of him."


dare i publish a oneshot today
          1 like=1prayer 


@_rosalyn_rivera_ like damn I respect the dedication :skull:


this message may be offensive
sometimes i wish they never invented nano tech in the mcu. i have to come up with the most elaborate excuses now that nanotech exists
          like its so interesting and cool but also i kinda miss the days where tony would be without his suit and that was just it yk? hes just kinda shit outta luck
          "gracie why doesnt tony just.." because i said so. idk




guwah. ok, its about 1am where i am and ive been writing for the past three hours and im really tired, so i think im just gonna have to call it a night
          i'd rather upload something that is coherent and cohesive a day late than upload something on time that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
          sorry gang. thank u for being patient with me. to my other spooktober participaters i say: godspeed


@Eccentric_Grace you are so okay my guy. take your time and take care of yourself! goodspeed


@Eccentric_Grace no apology necessary, take care of yourself, looking forward to reading spooktober very soon <3