
Quick Question: Should I add more Decepticon Rebels?


You know of the guidelines that are changed on April 15 so just in case backup  stories


@AzurAnime Ahhh, Okie. Well, they say Kantai Collection is a low budget version of Azur lane, which is a big no. Kantai Collection started the Shipgirls genre, since they were the first one who created shipgirls base on Imperial japanese navy warships. In my understanding or knowledge, Azur lane followed the Kantai Collection, but base on every warships from different nations in world war, making their version better than Kantai Collection. Few other producers make their own version of kantai collection, some a good and some are mid. In my opinion, Kantai Collection needs more fame, since they don't promote much lewd stuff unlike azur lane, showing almost naked shipgirls in lewd positions, small shipgirls wearing almost exposed clothing, etc. I may be a man, but this is something I do NOT want to see. I am not a very much weeb or anime fan, I'm just as balanced or average who's not addicted to anime. I do make stories using female soldiers and other characters, but that doesn't prove I'm a anime addict. I'm just lazy to find a better one, and some arts are just weird af. My stories are unrealistic (ofc its a fanfiction) and make my OC overpowered on my book, but I always make fair stuff. I might consider giving Nemesis a rival, since He surpassed his creator's power.  Anyway, Kantai Collection was also my very first anime I've ever watched in my entire life. My country had its own dub, so I watched it on my own language. It gave me admirations on ships and combat, ever since young age, creating stories and scenes in my head. Sadly, I came across a post that one of the character's voice actors died in some sort of sickness (?) and I think it was Hiei's voice actor. I give her a deep condolence and may her soul rest in peace. Anywayz that's all.


Well I like it cause it was one of the few stories with a male character, harem and crossover between kantai collection and azur lane so your story and the other both hold something close to me as I grew up with kantai collection first then started playing azur lane so these stories are a bit special


Currently rewriting my book, because I read a comment, saying that its cringe, and other stuff. Might take a while since my current phone isn't compatible for wattpad, and I used my family's PC, and had to stay alert cuz they might find my story. So uhm... work work...


@Emperador_Nemesis ok tbh only the last few chapters with the skibidi characters were cringe 


So uhm... my phone exploded due to the growing battery, and that phone stores the characters pictures. I'm literally f ## right now, and I managed to changed my name in time so my sister couldn't see my profile. So uh... Next  chapter of my book will be much longer. I'm very sorry mates... If I have any error on the book, feel free to tell me. I Literally forgot that there's 5 Commanders instead of 4. So, feel free to tell me any error, and I will fix it right away. Nemesis Out.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
SHIT! Operation silence is a go! My sister found my wattpad book! I'm f ##! Gonna change the title of my book, also my name. I'll update when I can. Over and out.


Dangit, just found out my crush had a likings towards my other classmates. I didn't even get any letters or anything. No words, no compliments, no greet, no nothing. I don't even know why, but I hated Valentines day, like bro, celebrate love? what's next? celebrate hate? What's the point of celebrating love when you don't love someone (I'm talking about romantically), but yeah, celebrate it with your loved ones. I don't know, but I hated Valentines Day.
          Anyway, move this shet aside, Happy to Bismarck, I forgot to make a chapter for it. I will be trying to make the next chapter of the Betrayal, I'm very sorry for the late.
          So anywayz, please just vote on my Rival Poll, I need to know what should I do for Nemesis's Rival. PLEASE I BEG YOU! I WILL MAKE A CHARACTER OF YOU ON MY STORY! 


@Emperador_Nemesis Too bad I was in Baguio, I wish I could've been your valentines.


@Emperador_Nemesis damn talking about valentines day eh, for me l was hated too, also they have crush thier school, as gamers we should focus on game or your stories, and happy valentines day my friend


Due to low votes on Nemesis's Rival Selection, I'm extending it again. (Please, I can't decide. Just vote) 
          Should Nemesis have a Rival?
          A. Yes
          B. No
          What would be its gender?
          A. Male
          B. Female
          C. Female but tomboy
          D. Male but femboy (Not recommending this bulshet)
          What would be its personality?
          A. Yandere
          B. Tsundere
          C. Ara Ara vibes
          D. Base on your likings (List down what you want)
          Would it have the same Armaments as Nemesis or more or less powerful than Nemesis?
          A. Same Armaments as Nemesis 
          B. Less or More Armaments than Nemesis


            A. why not
            C. personnel preference.
            D. something like a one sided rivalry (don't know what it is called.)
            B. less guns... but more specialized. like for going after Nemesis to the detriment of other capabilities. EX: heavy focus on primary anti-ship with little secondary. (but doesn't work for various reasons.)