
I just played Echos of the past and while I loved it, I didn't like the final fight. Why were they in Atlantic Offices? The abandoned shack Bunker is a much better place for the Enclave. It's functional, it has power, it's spacious, it has a working elevator that goes to the surface and most importantly, ITS UNDERGROUND! you have Enclave soldiers wearing combat armor in the middle of the glowing sea! Bethesda this was a stupid decision, like making the corvega plant raiders terrorize Tenpines bluff stupid.


@EnclaveCommando it's truly a bizarre decision on Bethesda's part sir


So while I was reading your recent book and rereading the enclaves Menagerie, I had a thought going through my head. You remember the mothership zeta of DLC in Fallout 3, I was wondering that in the new book If The Enclave somehow match get access to it since timeline was the DLC takes place in 2277 and Fallout 4 is 10 years after that so the mothership will still be around. The fact that in the Enclave/Menagerie book you the enclavian managed to acquire that would really help them especially if they're reverse engineer the technology.


@DanteShadowfang I liked the dlc, I won't lie, but many of the fallout community would wish that it was never thought of, but I did have a few ideas of referencing it, characters or as you suggested technology. Keep an eye out and maybe you'll catch something.


Sir, permission to ask a major question about the New Book you have posted


@DanteShadowfang its fanfiction, for all we know: the USS Arizona might have been raised by the US and Repaired before becoming a Museum Ship


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@JoeyKirkpatrickJr the USS Arizona is a wreck off under the water for Pearl Harbor and the USS Texas was already an old shit by the time War were two came around it was literally created during World War I. I wouldn't think those two ships would be a good option to use, though the Missouri and the other Iowa class battleships could be reactivated if they weren't destroyed during the Great War and haven't fallen apart completely over the last two centuries.


I just played Echos of the past and while I loved it, I didn't like the final fight. Why were they in Atlantic Offices? The abandoned shack Bunker is a much better place for the Enclave. It's functional, it has power, it's spacious, it has a working elevator that goes to the surface and most importantly, ITS UNDERGROUND! you have Enclave soldiers wearing combat armor in the middle of the glowing sea! Bethesda this was a stupid decision, like making the corvega plant raiders terrorize Tenpines bluff stupid.


@EnclaveCommando it's truly a bizarre decision on Bethesda's part sir


Hey everyone, Enclave here. No doubt a lot of you have seen my new side project; Grimm vs Granite and now with how well it's been received so far I think I should give a little context. I am using a few elements from ERB+, mostly just the election part between Anderson and Granite but that's about it, I might use more in the future but I'm on the fence. As you saw in the prologue I went with the Eureka Enclave path as the foundation of this new enclave with the addition of the Reunited States coming from one of the MacArthur paths. I just thought that I should make that clear just in case, but I'm a lot of you could tell what i was doing. Anyway that's it for today, please be on the lookout for the next chapter of Enclave Menagerie, God bless America God bless the Enclave and God bless you. Enclave out.


Hey everyone, I know it's been a few weeks, I'm gonna fill you in on why I haven't updated recently. So my mom was attacked by her own dog and her finger was pretty messed up so I had to help her out, chores, dinner etc and after that I had to take care of the house I live in with my grandparents because they went to Colorado and with work, I was just slumped and I still am and right now I'm doing my best to get some free time to actually update again. Anyway that's my situation the last few weeks, see ya when I see ya.


@EnclaveCommando Thanks for the clarification. Can't think much of a reason for the dog to bit its owner.


@GodHoward her dog started a fight with my sister's dog and she tried to break it up and her dog bit her finger, down to the nerve


@EnclaveCommando My question for the dog part is 'How did it happen?'


Sir, I have an Idea for the Richardson Elite. Please Advise.


@EnclaveCommando they would be Guards for High Command Members of the Enclave


@JoeyKirkpatrickJr I'm not including them in my stories this time, but I'll hear your idea Joey


Ahh Wattpad, what we do without you, your glitches, your annoying habit of deleting our works for no reason and of course how could we forget how you refuse to publish a chapter, especially after we attempt to do so 10 times.....
          Chapter 5 of Enclave's Courier won't publish so I'm gonna try again tomorrow when I'm out of the house, sorry if I let you down.