
So, I'm aware it's been a very, very long while since I've updated. And now I've decided to give a reason and an answer to anyone wondering why that is. Honestly, I've been lacking in motivation to work on my story. I want to, really do, but I don't feel in the right headspace to do so rn. I've been debating whether I want to keep trying or just let it go, and I'm not so sure I want to stop working on it. But, I think I'm going to wait until sometime next month (May) to really try again, after I've graduated high school. I believe it's school and my personal life that has killed off my motivation, so I'm hoping without school in the way and my life maybe calming I can feel motivated again. I started this story last summer, before school had started again, and had much better progress and feelings about it then. When school started, well, ya can see how that went for the story. I also began avoiding looking at anything Wattpad related, in (shamefully, perhaps) fear of any comments I'd see asking about why I wasn't updating. But, I figure I've been hiding too long from it and this is how I'm responding. Soo in conclusion, I don't know if the story will continue, but I'm willing to see if I can begin work on it again in May (though depending on how "calm" it actually gets for me, it could be June). I apologize for the uncertainty, but I make no promises on whether the story will continue or not.


@ThatGuyDieingOversea O?? Thanks! A week late don't matter to me, I'm surprised you remembered that at all! xD ❤️


          	  Shoot im a week late i was gonna congratulate you
          	  Uhh happy belated graduation!!!


@coolkidindahood Mhm, and even more thankfully this'll be my last summer break away from school, since I won't be going anymore (unless I decide to go to college or something)! I graduate the 23rd :P 
          	  Very true, but that motivation better appear sooner than later! I need it >;{


So, I'm aware it's been a very, very long while since I've updated. And now I've decided to give a reason and an answer to anyone wondering why that is. Honestly, I've been lacking in motivation to work on my story. I want to, really do, but I don't feel in the right headspace to do so rn. I've been debating whether I want to keep trying or just let it go, and I'm not so sure I want to stop working on it. But, I think I'm going to wait until sometime next month (May) to really try again, after I've graduated high school. I believe it's school and my personal life that has killed off my motivation, so I'm hoping without school in the way and my life maybe calming I can feel motivated again. I started this story last summer, before school had started again, and had much better progress and feelings about it then. When school started, well, ya can see how that went for the story. I also began avoiding looking at anything Wattpad related, in (shamefully, perhaps) fear of any comments I'd see asking about why I wasn't updating. But, I figure I've been hiding too long from it and this is how I'm responding. Soo in conclusion, I don't know if the story will continue, but I'm willing to see if I can begin work on it again in May (though depending on how "calm" it actually gets for me, it could be June). I apologize for the uncertainty, but I make no promises on whether the story will continue or not.


@ThatGuyDieingOversea O?? Thanks! A week late don't matter to me, I'm surprised you remembered that at all! xD ❤️


            Shoot im a week late i was gonna congratulate you
            Uhh happy belated graduation!!!


@coolkidindahood Mhm, and even more thankfully this'll be my last summer break away from school, since I won't be going anymore (unless I decide to go to college or something)! I graduate the 23rd :P 
            Very true, but that motivation better appear sooner than later! I need it >;{


Today's Christmas for me, so Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays! C> ✨


@EroseWisp Merry Christmas! :D




@Fairyinkboii I love that song, it's a good one! xD


@EroseWisp -all I want for Christmas starts to play-


@Fairyinkboii Ayee! Thanks, a Merry Early Christmas to you! <D


Well hello there wisp >:)
          Can I throw stitches out the window?
          Also are you in my walls like the others-?
          (The others include: Ink-my-beloved, Skelesheena, Ace, theroyalhoeass, n4in4r.)


@Kevin-Thats-It aww kevin how sweet you invited waffles to come live with me and the others
            Now you'll NEVER get rid of us and ratson!!


@Kevin-Thats-It Why would you wanna do that?! Stitches is practically you xD
            *gasp* Is that an invitation to live in your walls?! If so, yes, if not... Still yes, because now I've got the thought in my mind and you can't escape me (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 )
            PS: I will not be paying rent for I am a vent squatter, you'd have to catch and force me to if you expected any :>


EhM *Ink_My_Beloved
            There we go
            Kevin you idiot


You're story is literally creative and actually fun to read unlike the other undertaleau stories so far that weren't very creative, so keep up the good work!! Your work doesn't disappoint!


@EroseWisp of course! And good luck on the book 


@thatsuckz Thank you for the kind words!! I'm happy to know it wasn't corny, and I'll try being more confident xD ❤️❤️


One dumb stupid idiotic question "if" stitches "can" eat, what would their favorite food be?
          (Idk Its just pop into my mind and I know stitches is a doll but cmon-food☺) 


@WHYDOINEEDPSW Hmm. Well, Stitches is supposed to be "you", but since I'm writing them it's more like they're me (technically all of the characters are xD)
            But I don't have a favorite food, so I'm gonna go with Stitches loves anything someone made for them! Especially Horror's food, specifically his baked goods (cookies mostly) C>


Guys, I have been kinda busy (with school stuff and family), but I have made a one shot! I wanted to wait until I finished the next chapter to post it at the same time, but I haven't even started on it and I've got some things I need to do soo have it anyways!
          *throws one shot at you before scurrying back to the darkness*


@N4iN4r Yayy! Welcome! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧


@EroseWisp well its very good
            Cuz h3ll yea am i joining for cookies and fanfics!