
this message may be offensive
First of all! This is to those people who are saying that my urdu is bad. This is not written in urdu and in Pakistan we write Hain as Haan so I don't care whatever you think. Second this is my first book and no one is born perfect so if you want to read the book read or fucking leave  . I am not telling you to read my book. 
          	I know there are many mistakes and I will fix them. I am telling you again leave if you are having this much problem because I.Don't Care. 
          	I Would hate if my motivation to write get smashed by some people. 
          	To the people who supported my book even after all the mistakes and gave me time to fix then THANK YOU SO SO MUCH. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING AND THANKS FOR THIS ALL 
          	( I don't want to offend anyone but if you get I don't care) 


@Everlastdreamer firstly ur books are free and u r giving us a beautiful time reading these works so ur mistakes doesnt count. secondly ur urdu writing is completely fine, my partner is pakistani and he too writes same way.


Hey Author! Sorry for posting this here but I am a new writer and needs support from you guy's it will so generous of you and your readers if you will take out some time to read my book. Do give it a try ✨
          Dark romance
          Wild romance
          A full rollercoaster ride
          Savage x Arrogant
          Ruthless mafia x sunshine
          A billionaire mafia
          Contract marriage
          Dominant possesive MMC
          Sassy bitch MFC
          When he hates her for years with her being oblivion about their past still
          He fell first and fell harder ✨


Sorry author for posting here without your permission. Hello everyone this is my first book. If you like joint family drama then you definitely love it. This is a domestic Indian book and funny book. First two chapters are already out. You can try once.
          Single mother and single father