
Well! Today marks the third anniversary of Experimental! 
          	I don’t really know what to say other than I’m extremely grateful for all the love and support I’ve received from it. Let’s keep it going! <3
          	Much love, as always, 
          	Eyelyn. <3


Well! Today marks the third anniversary of Experimental! 
          I don’t really know what to say other than I’m extremely grateful for all the love and support I’ve received from it. Let’s keep it going! <3
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn. <3


Update… Update ‘XD
          Hello all my lovely followers! I feel like it’s been ages, at least two weeks of dead air silence from me and I do apologise for that. Now, onto the update for my books that I’ve divided so you can know what you wanna know and not care about the rest if you do so wish. <3
          - Eighth Member 
          Will be returning to work on Monday! I’ll be honest, I absolutely freaked myself out with my 20 v 1 chapter. I have no idea why but I did. Psyching myself out completely to the point where I just avoided it. But I’m coming back now after a little unscheduled break.
          - Ex-Sith
          I’ve just spent the past two weeks planning out chapters! But I’m done now! Writing for that will be starting back up on Tuesday! 
          - Multifandom Oneshots
          Okay! So! I’ve been thinking about this recently, for like a few months. I’ve had this book for years, and just kinda left it. But randomly I have ideas that I don’t want to turn into fully fledged books. But I hate the layout of it, and the cover. So I’m reworking it entirely! And whenever I feel like it I’ll write up a oneshot for whoever my idea is about. I also have so many in my drafts that I’ve never finished! So! I’m gonna try. But you know, I don’t know how well it’s gonna go. I want to do a whole what I’ll call a Taylor Swift run through, but I’ll talk more about that if or when I finish off the drafts I’ve already started. 
          Talk to you all again soon! 
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn! <3


New chapter out now! Go read and enjoy! 
          Plus, I’d just like to vent that the new Wattpad update is so annoying. I have to constantly keep signing into my account whenever I open the app on my phone! Wattpad please fix this! I’m begging you! 


Hello all! 
          I was thinking of announcing this yesterday but it was still April Fools for the other half of the world. So, I've left it 'til today. 
          A new Eighth Member chapter is releasing at the usual time on Friday (NZ)! So, get ready!
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn <3


Hello, my lovely followers! 
          I’ve just come on here to wish you a happy Easter, to all those who celebrate it. And to those who don’t celebrate it, I hope you have an awesome time doing whatever you’re doing! 
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn <3