
Made a guest appearance on Books and Coffee Podcast, click the link below to listen. Be sure to follow the podcast please. Thank you as you do.
          	Also, you can still get FROM SEOUL WITH LOVE on Selar as half price, valid till I finish updating on Wattpad.
          	Stay safe. 
          	Love, Jannah Mia. 


hello author, I wanted to ask for a favour, My friends and I are really great fans of your book FORMULA OF FOREVER and we tried get it on selar and okada books.
          Please I want to use this opportunity to plead with you to please release the complete book on WATTPAD .
          Hope my plea is taken into consideration 
          And a  as bribe 


Hello. Not possible. 


Made a guest appearance on Books and Coffee Podcast, click the link below to listen. Be sure to follow the podcast please. Thank you as you do.
          Also, you can still get FROM SEOUL WITH LOVE on Selar as half price, valid till I finish updating on Wattpad.
          Stay safe. 
          Love, Jannah Mia.