
If Gon have 10 BALLs and he give 5 BALLs to killua, how much BALLs does he have left?
          	A. 5 croissant
          	B. 2 BALLs
          	C. 7 copys of Mr. Ayato
          	D. 0 milk
          	E. -1 dad


@Flody_zzz E duh
          	  yall should now this is on  math test 3,006 answer 15
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@-Flody might be either E. or D. not sure
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Hello! I just want to know if you are doing ok ^v^ 
          Have a good day/night 
          (Also love the stories you made)
          (And sorry if my english is bad its because im french ;v;)


Hi there! Im doing fine, thank you:) your english is great no worries 
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Are you going to update One Piece Vacation? I’m very interested!! 


If Gon have 10 BALLs and he give 5 BALLs to killua, how much BALLs does he have left?
          A. 5 croissant
          B. 2 BALLs
          C. 7 copys of Mr. Ayato
          D. 0 milk
          E. -1 dad


@Flody_zzz E duh
            yall should now this is on  math test 3,006 answer 15
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@-Flody might be either E. or D. not sure
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I wish I can play tear of themis ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) too bad my potato phone can't handle another game that contain pretty mens.