
OMG   Thanks for getting my book to 20k reads ahhhhh !!!!
          	All you awesome peeps out there deserve all the love in the world 
          	Thanks for supporting me 


R u by any chance from south east asia


Oh no no you didn’t offend me
            I just haven’t logged in for years 
            Also yes I’m from SEA 


I’m not weird. I just found some language similar to where I’m from. Sry if I offended u.


this message may be offensive
Hey! I wanted to hit you up with a suggestion for a chapter in your beyblade One Shots book, you could  make a Red Eye x Reader chapter. But unlike the Cheryl one (which was amazing by the way) you could do Shu’s best friend who he loves and consider each other siblings. She goes to the snake pit after him but doesn’t reveal who she is to him at first. And Idk something like when she goes to reveal who she is to him she starts with ”hey you were friends with ____ once right?” And he says yes but then insults her. She takes off her mask crying, and runs away from the snake pit. So on and so forth. Idk or whatever you want I guess. It’s just an idea. I wish I could do it but I suck ass at writing. I tried and failed. Named her Nora and her bey Dimetris, but I didn’t get very far... 


@Gaminghufflepuff wow I didn’t think you would actually reply


Sure sounds like a really cool idea  


Heyo everyone, I'm back and have survived the 3 weeks of exams. Now Imma start to post stories again real soon. 
          Also on a side note, I'm putting forth this challenge. If we can get to 100 followers on Watttpad, I will share with you all my Instagram account, so that you guys can keep up with what i'm up to 
          Anyways that's all for now and with that, Hufflepuff out!