
Hello! It's been a very long time since I've been on this page, so forgive me for not being so active on here. Things have been difficult with raising kids, but I'm going to be more active now.  I'm looking for co-reviewers who can help me with the historical review book! 
          	I am also considering hosting a contest called "Historical Voices." Basically the contest will be all about supporting the historical fiction community and giving recognition to people who deserve it. The contest will have entries for different subgenres. Like one for Regency, Victorian, fantasy, steampunk, and so forth. What do you think? Send me a PM on this profile or on @Davrielle's if you're interested in entering or judging! 


          Greetings there, dear. 
          I am here to promote a theme shop by the Halcyon Community. This shop do aesthetically pleasing icons and banners of your choice. With just a few clicks you have the theme of your choice.
          Click on this link if you want a theme from the Halcyon Community: https://www.wattpad.com/story/292682169?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=TheHalcyonCommunity&wp_originator=lPCNex0WjlZyGmnkcFmnjpSZH5eYYv0IO8IpkyHSYsqZFkxJFGwRCnCV4Y7CIl5U%2FzNYUhleCJdD5PhgXXLWSbnFIemXHPpQoTQJijH9c0NWp82bNfOAcc%2B%2BKPguP2N6
          Have a nice day or night ^^


Is this account now defunct? Nothing has been posted since 2019...


@Azukiel Hello!  I'd like to recommend my books, I Am All Yours, What A Girl Desires and Homicidal Affairs. Thank you, and have a splendid day!