
Holy sh*t, Doom: The Dark Ages looks f*cking sick! RIP AND TEAR!


@HollowedPrince freaking chainsaw shield going all over the place 


@AshenHellHound “Game over, man! Game over!”


@HollowedPrince Bro if doomSlayer joined up with goblin slayer it’s all over 


Holy sh*t, Doom: The Dark Ages looks f*cking sick! RIP AND TEAR!


@HollowedPrince freaking chainsaw shield going all over the place 


@AshenHellHound “Game over, man! Game over!”


@HollowedPrince Bro if doomSlayer joined up with goblin slayer it’s all over 


After Final Shape, I’m in the Destiny writing mode. Now before you raise your torches and pitchforks, I am getting progress done for the other stories, I’ve just been going at my own pace.
          Anyways, yeah, Destiny stories! There’s Brothers, which needs to be heavily revised, and Will of Iron, which is still being planned out. So, I’m thinking of just doing one-shots for the time being. I’d rather not keep digging an already deep hole and make a new Destiny related story entirely, for now, so this seems like the best idea. That and I’d say this would be a me kind of thing and not feeling forced to write it. We all have those stories once in a while, yeah?
          Anyways, let me know what you all think. For the time being , I’m going back to the storyboard and trying to grind gear for the raid.  Cheers everyone!


@ HollowedPrince  finally some destiny stories, please don't let it be a crossover that is just for example RWBY with guardian oc. I have enough of those and no proper Destiny stories. Btw do you know any destiny fanficks like  that


@HollowedPrince awesome! If you need any ideas for a Destiny stories you know where to find me! I actually thought of the idea of telling the light and dark saga with OC guardians as main characters of story. 


(Don’t know if anyone will see this, since it’s early in the morning for me and late for everyone else most likely.)
          So, the raid was finished, funny enough by a group no one thought of. I’m happy for them and I’m happy that it wasn’t SaltaGreppo lol.
          After they cleared the raid, a new activity came out. Believe or not, it’s 12 players! It’s beautiful chaos!
          Anyways, I’ll stop right there, otherwise I’d be getting into spoiler territory. But f*cking hell… I just want to say that I’m glad to have been brought into the likes of the Destiny universe. Sure, it’s had its highs and lows, but it was all worth it in the end. 
          Per Audacia Ad Astra. I’ll see you starside.


@HollowedPrince continue the clone among drones story or im gonna break your kneecaps from the other side of the screen there arent many entropy zero 2 stories and I love that game


@HollowedPrince I do wonder what's install for future for Destiny now


Well, the raid is certainly something. I can already tell I may not make it before contest mode is finished lol. Oh well. Hope other raiders are having better luck than me lol XD
          Also, hoping Datto or Sweatcicle get the world’s first win and not Saltagreppo. F*cking hate that elitist bastard…


@ HollowedPrince  ah so the situation when pro player dictates the meta for everyone. Hate when that happens 


@Nyx1347 Man has won world’s first three different times, loves to complain, and actively tries to make the game less fun. Divinity used to be better, but his complaining that, “It makes activities too easy,” got it nerfed. What’s funny is that his group is using it right now. F*cking hypocrite. If he and his team get world’s first for this raid, his ego is going to skyrocket more than it already is and the community will never hear the end of it.


@ HollowedPrince  some context for their hate? Im not really that knowledgeable in the competitive raid scene


So, I finally managed to finish the campaign for Final Shape on legendary. All I have to say is holy sh*t, Bungie cooked! Story is good, like Witch Queen levels of good, the characters and how they act are written/done beautifully, definitely pulled some heartstrings and made me stop in my tracks during some of their dialogue, and the environment is crafted beautifully that I could sit down or walk in it for quite a while. Also how they tie in the raid is brilliant and makes sense why we’re getting it so soon and not getting it a week later, the stakes are high! 
          Downside to all of this was launch day where the servers decided to off themselves. Then again, it’s a live service game with thousands to millions of players hopping on and giving it a go. A lot of people, and I mean A LOT, decided the expansion was bad because of the server performance and nothing else. That’s just petty and should reevaluate their life choices.
          Overall? https://youtu.be/LTvvwwCTCA0?feature=shared 
          I’m going to try and get the raid done when it comes out Friday, but there is no guarantee I’ll see it through until contest mode is over. I have horrible luck with day one raids, Garden and VoG taught me that all too well. 
          Anyways, hope everyone else is having fun with the expansion! And remember, Guardians make their own fate.


@HollowedPrince well technically the campaign isn't over. There's one more campaign mission after the raid. But I agree that the final shape is awesome!


Hell yeah brother 


How’s the Finale Shape treating you?


Ah, yes. Destiny: The Finale Queue.
            Anyways, your going to love it man. 


@gokugunslinger Didn’t really play it yesterday because of the error codes, but it’s been fun! That and the story has me invested! 


Welp, 14 hours just went down the drain. 14 hours of Week 4 f*cking Pantheon…
          Got all the way to Nezarec but couldn’t overcome him. And you know what the funny part is? Three times we only got him to last stand and he only had a sliver of health each time. The amount of pain and anger my fireteam and I experienced with the one boss, we’ll never be able to see Nezarec the same again. That and planets. Planets can go f*ck itself as well. 
          Well, time to wait for Final Shape to release and cope with the fact I wasn’t able to get Godslayer as a title. Hope everyone got their title while they could and are excited for Final Shape as well. Until then, cheers everyone.
          One f*cking boss, that’s all we bloody needed…


  @ HollowedPrince  all we can do I hope that the positive feedback will mean they bring it back in the future, with this being kind of an alfa version of the mode. and I'm personally also mad as I'm one of the players that has a problem with playing group activities, as my clan does almost nothing together (it's basically half dead and our discord is a wasteland) and non of my friends wre going to spend so much money just to catch up with the content and play with me (understandable as the new light experience on this game is very overwhelming for new players). So now there is a slim chance that I'll ever have a chance to play this activity when I would finally come around to playing group activities.


@Nyx1347 Right?! This is some of the best raid content we’ve had in ages, the player base is really into it, and then they’re getting rid of it! WTF BUNGIE?!


@gokugunslinger It’s all good. Oryx on week 4 took us a minute to get past lol.


“You think all of this is necessary?”
          A voice asked but no response was given.
          “All we are doing is causing more bloodshed. We are killing those who can’t be brought back.”
          “It’s for the better.”
          A second voice finally responds, resolute and undeterred. The sound of liquid is heard dripping.
          “How can you consider this, ‘for the better’?”
          Skepticism laced the words of the first voice. Grinding metal against stone replaces the liquid dripping.
          “Because that’s what it is. We are cleaning up a mess for the betterment of our people. It’s our duty.”
          The second voice responds, the life in their voice nonexistent.
          “Our duty is to be the shield of our people and defend them, not the spear that seeks the blood of others.”
          The grinding stops as soon as the first voice finishes speaking.
          “Now is not the time to develop a heart. We have no need of it.”
          The second speaks coldly, ceasing the dialogue between the two.
          A sound is heard, the sound of quick breathing and frantic movements akin to a trapped animal. They only increase as heavy metal footfalls grow closer to the sounds.
          “P-p-please, have m-mercy…”
          A third voice speaks in a frightened whisper. The sound of metal sliding against stone is heard for a brief second.
          The sound of flesh being torn is heard before something wet squelches across the ground.
          (Thought I’d share something dark. Also, my thought process for this one was an alternate take on one of my stories. Also also, all of this stemmed from a single line, which you can find somewhere here. Crazy right? Anyways, cheers!)


Is the worrier form the rift still a work in progress 



@gokugunslinger NOTHING. Finch, I didn’t mind too much. Honestly, didn’t really try giving off Cayde vibes to me. Nimbus? Oh by the Traveler, I wanted to shoot him and hide the body. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty the entire community shared that sentiment XD


God, last time I heard him voice Cayde was when I was in Middle school (forsaken just released). But I’m glad he’s back, you can tell Destiny has tried making Cayde clones with the hive ghost and the cloud rider, but nothing beats the original b


@gokugunslinger As I mentioned a few days ago, what a way to end the season! Also, it’s so good to hear Nathan Fillion as Cayde again.