
A new part of The Wolf Without is out! Check it out and let us know what you think! Chapter 3 - The Tests


You all are amazingly gifted writers. I started your first book yesterday and finish what you have so far in book 2 just now. I just could not stop reading it. I know life gets in the way sometimes, but I do hope that you take the time to come back and finish this series, it is truly amazing and I can not wait to see how it ends. 


Hello again everyone! 
          We are happy to be back and are so excited to start delivering to you, drum roll please, THE SECOND Wolf Within book titled: The Wolf Without! 
          The first chapter is up now! Go check it out and don't forget to follow it and let us know what you think! We love your comments and feedback! :) 
          Thank you all to reading the first book and we are so excited to share the next one with you!
          -Gabby & Aleah (AKA House of DL)


Ohh I’ve been waiting for this!! Thank you ❤️
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Hello everyone! 
          The latest chapter has been added for The Wolf Within! 
          WE NEED YOUR HELP THOUGH! Please check out our Patreon really quick to participate in a Poll! (You don't have to be a Patron to participate in this one. Though Patrons do have special access to another question as well!)
          We will be taking a break for the Winter Season (we hope you have a FABULOUS Winter Season as well!) We will be back the first Thursday of February.  Have fun & see you all soon!
          -Gabby & Aleah (AKA House of DL)


Hey Jax, thanks so much for adding Fae to your list! I hope you enjoy it :) I'd love to hear your thoughts on it when you get to read it ❤


@StokelyTheCat haha well its the first one I've written, but I hope it lives up to your expectation. Thank you for adding it to your reading list! 
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@Jax_DomLau104 I will for sure! Haven't read a good werewolf story in a while. 
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@StokelyTheCat I certainly will! All of your books look like excellent reads. You have amazing cover art! :) 
            If you ever get bored, check out mine too. (zero pressure to do so though.)
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