
Ahh okay guys. I'm SO sorry about missing last week. Something major personal came up and then when I tried to come back, I was locked out of my account for a couple days -.- anyways, update incoming and I'll post another one tomorrow to make up for the late one! Thank you everyone who checked in on me. Love you guys <3


@JaideHarley And we love you too, don't ever feel obligated to do anything for us, it's the biggest privilege in the world that you're allowing us to read pieces of your soul. Thank you. Breaks are needed and I hope you know how much we appreciate you being so professional.


@JaideHarley oh it's okay honey, take your time. We'll be happy hearing from you ❤️


@JaideHarley Dont worry about it. Good things take time! Just glad you're okay and hope things go well, dont forget you're the priority not the books.


Hii!! First of all, I wanted to let you know that I LOVE your books. I really loved Clashing and I’m really looking forward to reading more of your books! 
          My question is: will we get more erotic one shots? I always want Christmas to come up quickly just to read them! 


Hey, I loved your book ‘I accidentally summoned a demon’. I thought it was amazing so I went and tried to find the next one in the series or something. I can’t find ‘I need to exchange my demon, please’ anywhere. I was wondering if there was I place where you sold the book because I can’t find it only anything. I would love to read it and have the hard back. 
          I’m sorry if I’m just being annoying I just loved the book and the except to the next book so I wanted to read it. I hope you have a nice day/night.


Thanks so much, I hope you have a good day/ night.


@Rhis394 hiii! Not annoying at all :) for the time being, I Need to Exchange My Demon is only on Patreon. I haven't published it yet but intend to in the future. If you want to read it now, you can find it on patreon. The link is in my bio :)


Hey! I want to commend you for the sensitivity you show in your writing. I have read like a lot of supernatural-mafia-alpha males books on wattpad. While mostly the writers will be mentioning different sorts of power dynamics, pain, trauma, abuse and  addiction, I hardly like the approach they use to describe it. I absolutely love the way how tender you have been with approaching these subjects. How beautifully you mend the pieces of not only your characters, but of your readers too. I am halfway through Shattered and I just can’t help feeling so much appreciation for you and your work. The Elder series is so wholesome. It makes you connect, hurt and heal; and gives you a glimmer of hope to be better, to be more compassionate, and most importantly to believe in better, empowering relationships. 
          So much inspiration, love and power to you. Thank you for bringing these amazing characters and their stories to us. ❤️


@Chillsi92 Oh wow, you made me tear up! Thank you so so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying 


The Elder series has me in an absolute chokehold. Normally I don’t start a series unless it is finished. I have to have closure. ‍♀️ I even avoid TV series unless it is complete. But I started reading this series a year ago and I cannot get enough of it. The characters and their stories are all so unique. The storyline is wonderful.
          You are teaching me patience, Jaide. And I love and hate it at the same time.


@carlyengstrom Awww I'm so glad you're enjoying it!


Hi I remember reading that Deus’s book would be out when hunted got to 1mil? Is that still happening? 


@Dimpsych98 it was either I'd release that book or start updating twice a week when Hunted hit 1 mil, I decided to go with updating twice a week. It's more in the long run and causes less confusion to start another book in the series while I'm still posting Claimed :)


I found your writing by accident and have been in trouble ever since! I can't wait for hard copy books from you. I can't wait for all the good things to happen for you!! The elder series has a hold on me!! I will be joining the next group and paying to read your work. I just can't wait to have hard copies, I do hope that when the time comes, this will be a series that you will be able to print. Many blessings to you and for you. Amazing talent. I often find when I'm reading from my phone and someone speaks to me, I tap my screen as to pause the screen play. Lol, your writing allows me to build their world as I read and forget I'm reading. It tricks the brain into thinking im watching my favorite TV show!!! Late to the party but fully on board!!


@wildflowerpoe Hii and aww thank you so so much!!I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Right now the only physical copy of a book I have is "I Accidentally Summoned a Demon" but I do plan to publish the Elder series as well :)


Hii. I saw that if I sign up to your newsletter I'd get a bonus chapter for I accidentally summoned a demon, but I haven't even gotten the confirmation email? Does the newsletter service not exist anymore? 


@1-800-TITSHOOKETH Hiii, nope it definitely exists, it's weird you didn't get it! Did you check your spam? Sometimes the first email goes directly to spam