
Oh my precious iris keep calm the names will not kill your vibes look at the names I've decided 
          	1. Jeon Jung-hoon
          	2. Kim Taeyun 
          	3. Lee Jee-min 
          	No one is going to change base name Jeon, little Jeon, Mohammad Abdullah, Mohammad Taha, Mohammad Jee-min I chose these names for you all because I respect your vibe and it'll be helpful for me as now I can register my book as premium books on wattpad and will do every possible effort to publish them as hard copy and obviously I've to change names for availing these opportunities so I've took this decision for some genuine reasons and I trust my readers and iris that they'll be happy with it... 
          	So stop being offended your vibe Will not be killed in any way just a little relaxation for myself... And I hope you guys also care for my mental peace and will love my skills, my work and support me for my talent not just because of BTS member's manes... I wanna show the world I've that talent that I don't need celebrities names to make people love my work but it's actually my skills, my hardwork which makes my place in people's heart ❤️ 
          	JazakAllah love from Mahi your Estella my precious iris ❤️


Pls aappi am a big fan of yours 


She even changed my name from mohammadi7 to jeonhezlin7 pls aappi


@Jeonimagine aappi it was my sister's comment she is also a writer she is jealous of you because her story didn't reach the popularity so she took my account and posted it I just find out appi pls don't block me am sorry on the behalf of my sister


Wallahi this one part took me to crave for ease ohhh my beloved taha let Allah ease your pain please have some SBR yaaa Mahi appi tell me how can I get ease after reading this one.....jiminaaaa please don't let your sunshine go for anyone's happiness Allah will bless taha on his own....


Mahi appi plzz do something but don't change their names plzz  both of your books are my no 1 fav plzz don't do this  and whoever have problems with it just show them the other ffs in which BTS are evill why are they okay with that and not with your book plzz don't change their names the whole emotion is changed thay are the main character plzzz don't do this with your fans appi plzzz  I love your book sooooo much you are really amazing author just don't change them plzzz