
Hi everyone, it's been a while. 
          	I'm not going to go into any detail as to why I haven't been able to update, this is just to say what will be going on with my two fanfics. 
          	I'm going to upload three parts of Front Line today, but after that, it will take a while for new updates to come. It's been a fair few months since I worked on that story and I need to remember what direction I wanted to take it. Apparently, my notes weren't comprehensive enough for me to come back to. Oops. 
          	The reaction fic should continue as normal. Don't expect quick updates but there should be some sort of consistency at least. Not sure exactly when the next update will be about but probably today or tomorrow. 
          	It feels somewhat odd to be writing COTE related stuff again, I've been preoccupied with planning original work. There will be times when that will take my focus away, but writing COTE fanfic is always good practice and fun at the same time.


@Jokurra Nice to know you're still invested in your work here. Best of luck with these other original projects!


@Jokurra Welcome back author


@Jokurra Thanks for coming back!! But you can always take your time, we'll always be here.




You gonna update the reaction?