
This is to all Wattpadders who've faithfully followed and read my work:  THANK YOU ALL for your attention and time, and, to some others of you, Thanks for your commentary and well-wishing!!  
          	I truly appreciate what you've done and what you've shared.   It was all very interesting and very worthwhile.
          	But it's time now for me to be moving on and to look upon this time, and these stories, as parts of a greater grand adventure.  
          	It has been fun!  Keep writing, keep reading, keep sharing --- I hope that eventually ALL your dreams come to pass!
          	Take care!  And ... 'bye!


Thanks for all you wrote and all you  published, sad to see you go... I had been looking forward to Nygeia for years. 


This is to all Wattpadders who've faithfully followed and read my work:  THANK YOU ALL for your attention and time, and, to some others of you, Thanks for your commentary and well-wishing!!  
          I truly appreciate what you've done and what you've shared.   It was all very interesting and very worthwhile.
          But it's time now for me to be moving on and to look upon this time, and these stories, as parts of a greater grand adventure.  
          It has been fun!  Keep writing, keep reading, keep sharing --- I hope that eventually ALL your dreams come to pass!
          Take care!  And ... 'bye!


Thanks for all you wrote and all you  published, sad to see you go... I had been looking forward to Nygeia for years. 


Shared Passion for Sci-Fi? 
          Hello Joseph,
          I came across your profile and noticed our mutual admiration for the sci-fi genre. I’m working on “Homeward Nebula” – envision superhumans, once lost in space, returning to an Earth that sees them as aliens.
          Would you be open to giving the first chapter a quick read and sharing your initial thoughts? If it resonates, perhaps there’s a chance for collaboration in the future?
          Thanks for considering, and best wishes with your writing journey!


lll ﹒  ﹒Hey, If you're seeing this it means that the witches' letters have arrived at your doorstep so take some moments out of your busy life to read this letter from our witches.  ﹕⭔
          ➜﹒☆﹒You are probably seeing this letter because you're a writer who loves to create a world of your own. If you are, then you probably have the need to improve and discover more about yourself; if these are the case, then here's our review shop by The Phantom Community.    (✷)
          ∇﹒⊹﹒Our lovely witches are awaiting your arrival at the shop as they have pleasant packages for you, if you would love to see these packages then visit our review shop. Have a great day.  ◎﹒♪﹒ 


PART SEVEN: NIGHTSHADE of the adventure "NYGEIA, A Princess Of the Withered Land: Palace of A Thousand Devils" has just been published!  APOLOGIES for the extended break in writing new material, but... life sometimes has its way with me.
          Take a moment to read & enjoy!  Comments are welcome, as always!


PART SIX: HEMLOCK of the adventure "NYGEIA, A Princess Of the Withered Land: Palace of A Thousand Devils" has just been published!   The curtains covering the intrigue and mystery begin to part ... revealing the danger and horror of what is really occurring in the kingdom of Omnia-Aeternae!
          Read and feel free to add your comments, but, as always, please be  polite!


And that's "Ombria-Aeternae"... my bad!


And now -- PART FIVE: SNAKEROOT of the epic tale "NYGEIA, A Princess Of the Withered Land: Palace of A Thousand Devils" has just been published!  The conspiracy and mystery deepen as other players take the stage, committing to their roles in the destruction of Ombria-Aeternae.
          Please, read and feel free to comment, but, again and as always, be  polite!