
TJE Update: First, I would like to apologize for not giving notice that I wouldn’t be uploading on the 15th. I made a commitment to do so and should have informed you all when I realized I couldn’t keep that commitment. I have been very busy and very sick and not in the space to write, unfortunately. I’m not sure when I will update, I am mainly focused on finishing my work and recovering my health. I also am having surgery in a couple of days, so that will undoubtedly postpone things further as I will also have to recover from that. 


@KHS-Twins Don't' worry about it! We love your work but your health should be your first priority! I hope your surgery goes well and you feel better soon!


TJE Update: First, I would like to apologize for not giving notice that I wouldn’t be uploading on the 15th. I made a commitment to do so and should have informed you all when I realized I couldn’t keep that commitment. I have been very busy and very sick and not in the space to write, unfortunately. I’m not sure when I will update, I am mainly focused on finishing my work and recovering my health. I also am having surgery in a couple of days, so that will undoubtedly postpone things further as I will also have to recover from that. 


@KHS-Twins Don't' worry about it! We love your work but your health should be your first priority! I hope your surgery goes well and you feel better soon!


What do you guys think about me writing a Percy Jackson and Chaos fanfic? No guarantees!


@KHS-Twins Totally! Just as long as you dont make annabeth betray percy. 
            I actually had an idea. What if annabeth joined percy when he left camp and met chaos too?


@KHS-Twins hmm... just don't use the overworked betrayal bs


@Iiesuu Honestly, I would be open to suggestion. It would be a Chaos fic, but when it comes to Percy’s romantic involvements, I’d be open to you guy’s ideas. However, if I were to even write this, it would be after I finish COP and TJE. 


Mental health and mental illnesses and disorders are so stigmatized. This stigma is further progressed with the help of dramatized and unrealistic portrayals in media and film. These topics (and many others to be honest) need to be talked about openly and healthily. 
          Fight the stigma, talk about it, educate yourself, and be open minded. 


To everyone out there, I want you to know this: Other people’s pain does not invalidate your own. You matter. What you are going through matters. Yes, other people are suffering and that matters, but when you suffer, that matters just as much. Never forget that.