
Quick Warning: I'll be editing some things in and out of House of Blood and Thieves. I caught wind of a few ideas that need to be removed and a few that need to be refined. The story's structure will remain the same save for a few new thingies. Wish me luck lol.


Quick Warning: I'll be editing some things in and out of House of Blood and Thieves. I caught wind of a few ideas that need to be removed and a few that need to be refined. The story's structure will remain the same save for a few new thingies. Wish me luck lol.


you good babe? i completely forgot about wattpad, I haven't been on here in months


samee, but at least i took all my exams for this semester now, but now i need to prepare for my  application for uni


@le3ndra Same here, fam. School is kicking my butt in more ways than one. I am buried up to my eyes in course work *insert sobbing emoji here*


Hey there folks, guess who the cat dragged in? Moi. 
          Anyways, I'm back after nearly two months of complete silence... with another chapter. I'm still unsure of what a writing schedule will look like for me this year, but hopefully, I'll still be able to pop up and post a chapter here and there. I HOPE YA'LL ARE DOING AMAZING. Stay safe folks. See you on the Wattpad sidelines and don't forget to check out my book House of Blood and Thieves. It's not perfect by a long shot but I love the story like my own soul and hopefully, I'll be able to make it into something grand.


omg i‘m so sorry i still haven’t read further i just have a lot to do with school and in my little free time i write my book, but i promise you i will read yours when i have time 


@lndraxoxo Fam, when I say I understand you I mean it from the bottom of my heart. School is important. I wish you a 100 straight A's. Take all the time you need. No stress.


And I'm just popping up to say a quick thank you for the 1.8k reads. I've been staring at that 1.7k number waiting for it to move up and it just did. I wish I had more time to write *insert crying weeping sobbing emoji here thanks*


@RuthKeller10 Thank youuuu ❤️❤️❤️


@Kaineeh eyyyyy congratulationssss ❤️


Chapters 12 and 13 are up folks. 
          My updating schedule is currently in the gutter, but there's nothing I can do about it. University and a lack of sleep will do that to you. I do hope y'all are having a better month than me though. I'm not quite sure when I'll be able to update again but I'll make sure it's as soon as possible. ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR MONTHHHH