
beberapa fanfic lama saya dari fandom lama dihapus wattpad, kemungkinan besar kena spam report dan bilangnya melanggar pedoman wattpad padahal fanfic-fanfic itu cuma fluff-romance dibandingkan fanfic ennchael yang bener2 penuh deskripsi graphic violence ... hayo siapa yang report wkwkw (tentu saja orang-orang dari fandom lama, cari masalah aja padahal fanfic-fanfic itu juga dipublish sekitar 5-6 tahun yang lalu, untung keluar dari fandomnya; rese.)


this message may be offensive
for the others who doesnt understand, dw im js feeling annoyed wattpad deleted a few fanfics of mine in a row js bc its 'violating' wattpad's guidance, not my fnaf fanfics tho so dont worry abt it (if someone really trying to spam report my fnaf fanfics ill fucking throw hands)


baru aja buka wattpad udah ada notifikasi salah satu fanfic kena hapus, sensi amat jadi fandom.


beberapa fanfic lama saya dari fandom lama dihapus wattpad, kemungkinan besar kena spam report dan bilangnya melanggar pedoman wattpad padahal fanfic-fanfic itu cuma fluff-romance dibandingkan fanfic ennchael yang bener2 penuh deskripsi graphic violence ... hayo siapa yang report wkwkw (tentu saja orang-orang dari fandom lama, cari masalah aja padahal fanfic-fanfic itu juga dipublish sekitar 5-6 tahun yang lalu, untung keluar dari fandomnya; rese.)


this message may be offensive
for the others who doesnt understand, dw im js feeling annoyed wattpad deleted a few fanfics of mine in a row js bc its 'violating' wattpad's guidance, not my fnaf fanfics tho so dont worry abt it (if someone really trying to spam report my fnaf fanfics ill fucking throw hands)


baru aja buka wattpad udah ada notifikasi salah satu fanfic kena hapus, sensi amat jadi fandom.


Hiii not sure if this is also ur acc just on ao3, but on there someone called glittering_struck has reuploaded some of ur works just wanted to let u know in case it's not u kalin!


@MimiBoy03 that's what I was thinking! Just wasn't sure if someone would actually have the audacity to upload someone else's stories, esp without credit  they're completely responding to comments as if they made it too lol


@froggywonderrs_ it's definitely not Kalin- There's no AO3 link on youtube, only wattpad


hey i just wanted to know, when will the next chapter of "30 years and counting" be released?


@Izzy_Fnaf247 oh i didn't know, sorry about that. i hope everything is okay soon ♡


@Surzi8111 maybe give kalin a bit they are dealing with some mental health stuff right now


Just a token of my appreciation^^
          I have been a follower of yours for a long time and I just wanna say that I'm glad that I found your channel bc its practically my therapy even tho the aaron arc made me cry until my eyes were swollen red:')
          The books are amazing and the videos are just *chefs kiss*
          I hope you see this but it's ok if you dontXD


Hey Kalin and anyone else seeing this! Xx
          I would like to tell you that I have posted a Fan art picture of Michael on yt! ^^ 
          I really hope you have time to see it! X
          My youtube is _Lexi_. 
          It would be my dream for you to share it on your community posts If you don't mind! :) 
          Thank you sm Kalin love your vids and just make sure you always put urself first in anything! 
          Have an amazing day ^^ 
          Love from Lexi :)


@LexiMooMoo  i will try sharing it on my youtube channel, SirenAnimations  :]



@Kalin_0611 omg yessss I will deffenitly read


@Kalin_0611 read the posted bit of it amazing