
*Kam POV*: Having TWT: The Origin of Music open with a bunch of crumpled up papers and note tabs scattered throughout the semi open book all the while playing a game on 3DS and switching between games on his Switch, all with notes and blank books next to them for him to fill
          	Kam: I am sorry for the delay with Trolls World Tour, but since I’ve been back my mind just kept wracking around with different ideas for fanfictions and soooo… I’ve been delving into three different games that, along with planned fanfictions for two different animes ive been watching, will be properly workshopped and planned out! With at least one of them, I feel equally excited about all of them to be honest, being published alongside TWT: TOFM! 
          	Kam: These three that I’ve been playing/looking through and considering are Pokémon, Digimon and Yo-Kai Watch! I honestly have characters planned and some rough ideas about how I want the plots to go, but I wanna make sure I’m set on one for now so I’m not writing four stories, instead of two. 
          	Kam: So… yeah! That’s been my life, finding different fanfiction ideas, making no progress in the fanfic I already have and just enjoying the summer honestly lol XD. Hopefully you all have a great start/middle/end to the day! See ya later Gators! 
          	Allen randomly picked up his book and flipped through it before looking at the “camera” with a smirk on his face: You guys might wanna stick around for more of my book, whenever Kam gets over his mumbo jumbo of ever flowing ideas. This story gets… pretty wild and interesting down the line.


“Hey Alysa!” Kam says ruffling her hair in response to her greeting


          	  "Hi Kam!" Alysa yells in distance and teleports close to Kam. 
          	  Thee Author pops in the scene with his arms crossed while flipping through some of his stone papers. 


*Kam POV*: Having TWT: The Origin of Music open with a bunch of crumpled up papers and note tabs scattered throughout the semi open book all the while playing a game on 3DS and switching between games on his Switch, all with notes and blank books next to them for him to fill
          Kam: I am sorry for the delay with Trolls World Tour, but since I’ve been back my mind just kept wracking around with different ideas for fanfictions and soooo… I’ve been delving into three different games that, along with planned fanfictions for two different animes ive been watching, will be properly workshopped and planned out! With at least one of them, I feel equally excited about all of them to be honest, being published alongside TWT: TOFM! 
          Kam: These three that I’ve been playing/looking through and considering are Pokémon, Digimon and Yo-Kai Watch! I honestly have characters planned and some rough ideas about how I want the plots to go, but I wanna make sure I’m set on one for now so I’m not writing four stories, instead of two. 
          Kam: So… yeah! That’s been my life, finding different fanfiction ideas, making no progress in the fanfic I already have and just enjoying the summer honestly lol XD. Hopefully you all have a great start/middle/end to the day! See ya later Gators! 
          Allen randomly picked up his book and flipped through it before looking at the “camera” with a smirk on his face: You guys might wanna stick around for more of my book, whenever Kam gets over his mumbo jumbo of ever flowing ideas. This story gets… pretty wild and interesting down the line.


“Hey Alysa!” Kam says ruffling her hair in response to her greeting


            "Hi Kam!" Alysa yells in distance and teleports close to Kam. 
            Thee Author pops in the scene with his arms crossed while flipping through some of his stone papers. 


With all my grades being put in for the semester I can finally say that… SCHOOL’S OVERRRRRR!!! Thank God! Now I can finally take a break and get back into writing! TOFM is back baby!


@rosechuck_chuck “Thanks so much Alysa! I can’t wait to get to work!” Kam said happily as Allen was just rolling his eyes in the corner from his eagerness. 


@KamanWriter "Yay!" Alysa yells happily, blowing a trumpet as hard as she can while confetti comes down. "Congratulations, Kam!"


One more week 
          Just one more week and I’ll be done with school for the summer! Jeez, I’m so exhausted… 
          Sorry for the delay for chapter 2 of TWT: TOFM, but I haven’t been able to even think about it since I last posted. Hopefully you all are having a good time regardless!
          And just to ask (Ik we’re two chapters in, but still): How’s everyone liking it so far? I wanted to go a different route from the usual oc insert and make it its own story in a way. 
          Hopefully you’ll all continue to read and enjoy it!
          Keep tuned for more and thanks for being patient with me ! 


            "Hey Kam! It's been good, bro. Do not worry!!!" Alysa yells happily. "I also just learned Thee has a sister in law." She whispers. Even though it's not even a good whisper if I can hear it. 
            "Alysa, did you take my game, boy!?" Walli yells at distance as Alysa zooms off fast. 
            "Gotta go!!!" She yells running off as she became a dot now. 


It’s official! My brand new Trolls World Tour Fanfiction has now been posted! 
          It’s an OC Insert that’s essentially an original story, that works in tandem with, and builds off, Movie 2’s storyline, with new lore, new characters, new settings, and a brand new musical selection! Think of it like another story in the grand scheme of the trolls multiverse I guess. 
          This story was inspired by my first ever Trolls World Tour fanfiction (That may or may not be posted up in the future after a massive tune up). However this one will have a slightly darker tone, nothing drastic but just enough to fit the mood of some scenes and mindsets of the characters. Speaking of characters, the OC’s will have more background to them, so it’s not just basic inserts who all win by the “Power of Friendship and Singing”. Along with that, all the canon characters in the Trolls series will have backgrounds based off everything revealed about themselves (obviously before Movie 3 or else that movie won’t make sense when I make it into a book, but also just enough so that there’s material I can use and build off of in the book for Movie 1).
          Yes TTBGO and Trollstopia will also be involved in their own ways, but you’ll have to wait for those. Mostly Trollstopia, the former will have a world building impact on the story while the latter sets up for the future.
          Don’t worry! I more in store than just Trolls content, I swear. However, since I haven’t written in a long time, I wanted to start from the beginning and go back to my roots so I can get better and improve from there! I hope you all go and give it a read and look forward to all my future fanfictions and stories! 


Hey Everyone! It's Kam! Hope y'all are doing well since the last time I was on! 
          Yes, I know it's been... a while, almost a YEAR (if not a little less)  since I've uploaded anything related to a fanfic/original story, or even about small updates in general, (Holy crap, time flies ) but I'm happy to report that things are going good! I apologize for not keeping posted, but honestly... I got lazy, but not to worry, thanks to a great friend offering to help and giving their support, I'm good to go! 
          It's gonna take me a bit to get back into the flow of things, but I'm trying, while hoping for the best, and that's all that matters!
          I'm currently planning/storyboarding stuff to write, but I'm not sure when exactly any of it is coming out because it's a lot and I wanna give myself the freedom of writing. Ya know, without falling behind in school and all that. Though, a heads up for the future never hurt anyone lol  !
          Anyways, with that short little tidbit out of the way, I hope you’ll look forward to the upcoming stories that I plan on releasing overtime! (Don't worry, I ain't gonna overwhelm myself by doing several books at the same time.) 
          Until then everyone! 
          See ya later gators! 


Soejammy: Thanks for the follow! ^_^
          Neptune: Enjoy some pudding! ^_^ *gives you pudding*
          Mini-Nep: Nep nep! *waves at you happily*


Kam: Not a problem! *smiles happily while enjoying the pudding Neptune gave him* Hey, this is actually really great! Thanks so much! 