
Hello Lovelies!! I have an important announcement!
          	For those asking about my update on She’s Mine!, it’s coming soon, I promise. I’ve recently gone back to college, and I made the mistake of picking a 5-week summer class that literally has 15 weeks of work crammed into it. I just finished my midterm,(wish me luck), so I finally have free time.
          	And secondly, in the spirit of pride month, and because I really want too, I’m working on a boyxboy story! Called Love & Mischief.
          	It’s probably not going to be finished before the end of June, but I wanted to know if y’all would like a sneak peek into it’s plot line. Let me know!


          I just finished Second Chance for a Warrior and Once Bitten and Twice Shy, and they were absolutely amazing!! I love the strong female leads and the strong/sensitive males in the story! Way more believable then most stories I have read! You do an amazing job with your stories!!
          I was wondering if you have started on Ace and Leo's stories? And is our sweet Avery going to have a story? She obviously stole almost every ones hearts!!! Thanks for the great stories!! Keep up the great work!! Much Love!!


I have read all of your books multiple times.  I would love it if you could tell about alpha Trevor meeting his mate. I do have some ideas if you would like to hear them.


@LilyMaree5 I was thinking possibly a slut that doesnt want to settle and she rejects him, a human thats already married with kids so he rejects her, or maybe even a female hybrid from one of your other books like silver eyes or rogue remption.


@LilyMaree5  I am open to suggestions! 


Hello Lovelies!! I have an important announcement!
          For those asking about my update on She’s Mine!, it’s coming soon, I promise. I’ve recently gone back to college, and I made the mistake of picking a 5-week summer class that literally has 15 weeks of work crammed into it. I just finished my midterm,(wish me luck), so I finally have free time.
          And secondly, in the spirit of pride month, and because I really want too, I’m working on a boyxboy story! Called Love & Mischief.
          It’s probably not going to be finished before the end of June, but I wanted to know if y’all would like a sneak peek into it’s plot line. Let me know!