
I feel so mischievous when I start something up. I just released a book named Arcane but I might be cooking something else up. I hope yall are ready for it cause it’s got me giggling. <33


Anyone know any weight loss tips that could help me?? I need to drop 20 pounds like really soon and I have no discipline for myself on eating. Like I don’t eat junk food and I only have like one meal a day but I need help. <33 


@Kells_bells_ thankyouuu ml i love you too just remember ur perfect just as u are but it never hurts to get better<3


@st3ingp0sitive_ You’re so kind, I love you!! Thank you so much for the advice and the nice words. I need to drop weight because I’m going into the US NAVY and I also need to gain muscle strength. I’m not eating anything junky or greasy so I think that helps as well. I’ve been doing cardio as well so hopefully I’ll be able to lose my goal weight by the end of this year. I hope you’re doing good, ml!! <33


@Kells_bells_ heyy ive been struggling myself lately too but some tips are to workout i know its really hard to stay consistent to honestly the number on the scale is so worth it later and whenever you feel like eating have a light snack like nuts or fruits and dont starve yourself please ive been through that and i ended up at the hospital so please dont ml ur beautiful and a number doesnt define who u are but other than that have light snacks through out the day if u feel hungry but have atleast 2 full meals a day and smoothies are very filling so try those out and dont go on any un-healthy diets they do more damage than good and the eat protein and carbs add more protein and if u dont like vegetables eat fruits


As a teen whose had a shitty life and possibly ruined it, I’ve been thinking real hard on signing away to the US NAVY or the ARMY. Life’s short, make it shorter by signing away ig.


@st3ingp0sitive_ Aww that warms my heart!! It wouldn’t be for another year or so but it’d give me time to finish my stories and hopefully train myself. <33


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HOLD THE FUCK UP YOU GUYS!!! 200k FOR SUMMER LOVE?!?!? I’m actually so shocked because the book isn’t even that good of a story. I’ve been so busy writing another fic that I haven’t paid any attention to SL. 
          Thank you to all reads, comments, votes on my story because it means so much!! I never thought it’d get to this point but I’m beyond grateful!! I love you all so very much<33


@Sydthesloth_2 Thank you so much, lovely! I want to write so many fics now that I’m free but I’m currently engrossed in an X-MEN fic from Marvel. I’m thinking about more fandoms that I want to write about so I hope you stick around for them. <33


Are you kidding! I loved your book so much it was amazing! And omg I’m so excited for the next book! Is there a chance you can spoil who the fanfic is about?


Is anyone experiencing not getting any views on their TikTok videos? I’ve been posting on my account and after a few hours there’s zero views and likes. I can’t find anything on it and I even tried re-uploading the videos. It’s very frustrating!


@rafesh0e Thank you so much!! I’ve been researching and haven’t found anything. I’m going to try and post something tomorrow to see if it’s still acting up. <33


tiktok probably wont let you post it bc of something related to community guidelines so even though it says its posted its not. its happened to me before even thought there was nothing wrong w the video 