
Hello fellow readers! We've decided to take part in The Silverstar awards hosted by @SilverStarCommunity and @ravenfire12, make sure to check it out and enter and give these people a follow. So we hope for the best we win or at least take part in this competition and see where this may lead us. Good luck everyone!


Katelyn’s outro: 
          Hey guys. It’s finally over. So much has happened I can’t believe how far this book has come throughout the many months we spent working on this book. You guys have shown so much support and it means so much to me. Letting my best friend write with me was a big decision, because before i didn't’ know if she was good or not . But turns out she’s pretty good.
          She’s really helped me get through this book, and I would not of been here right now writing this if it wasn’t for her. She pushed me, motivated me, and encouraged me to keep writing. 
          In chapter 40 I started my POVs at 11.00 pm and finished at 2.00 am. I just had this burst of inspiration and motivation. So there I was in bed typing away quietly.
          Thank you for all of your support throughout this book. YOu have no idea how much it means to Dezi and I.
          “Zee”  you in the next book!
          Dezi’s outro:
          Hi guys! We finally did it OMG! I couldn’t believe how far the story has gone, I only recently joined and with me and Katelyn's writing combined it’s a masterpiece. I am so grateful to be here today writing with my best friend. 
          Thank you to all our amazing readers for checking out the Z Virus. We wanted to leave it on a catching cliffhanger. Who shot Elijah? Why? Is there a new enemy? What does that mean for Katelyn?
          You will all be finding out in the V Virus! That’s right. We’ll see you guys in the next story.
          We love you all. We will “Zee” you guys later.


What’s on your mind? Please give us your opinion on the Z virus!!! New chapter(s) coming soon!!!
          I’d like to thank everyone for their love and support on this book! Everyone is just so ecstatic and positive towards this book and it really warms out hearts that you are enjoying it! 
          This book takes time and effort even though the chapters may be kind of short our aim for the average chapter is 2000-3000 words. It is school holidays after all, and that would mean that we have time to write it? Wrong. These holidays are pretty busy for us we’re going to all of the tropical countries, my partner went to Queensland and I’m going to Bali so it is indeed really busy!
          We’d like to get to know our followers so hit us on on Instagram @the_Z_virus
          The more you tell us about our story the better we can make it! Anyways love you guys HIT US UP!!! And keep reading!
          Katelyn & Dezi xx
          ~•~Little sneak peak~•~
          We will be making a trailer for the next part of this book!!! Which will be out in February! So we will keep you posted on that! 
          Try and guess what the title is and what it’ll be about!! Message us on Instagram @the_Z_virus 
          About your thoughts on the next part of the book!